Margaret Mutumba (Master of Public Health 2010) is working to build an impactful career in the public health realm.

With a particular interest in the sexual, reproductive, and fertility health sector in Africa, Margaret is passionate about reducing inequality in access to specialist healthcare across the continent, and is striving to achieve this through her company, MedAtlas, a telemedicine platform.

Margaret has lived around the world whilst advancing her career. Having studied for two degrees in London before working across Africa, Margaret is now based in Canada and is earning a PhD alongside running MedAtlas. Check out Margaret’s LinkedIn to learn more about her journey so far.  

Can you tell us about your studies at Imperial?

I pursued a Master’s in Public Health (MPH) at Imperial from 2009-2010, which was based across two campuses - St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, and Charing Cross Hospital. The MPH programme is highly regarded and lived up to my expectations by offering opportunities to engage with the various cutting-edge initiatives on campus.

As an international student from Uganda, I was particularly keen on the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, which was headed by Professor Alan Fenwick OBE at the time, and the notable work on worm infection control in Sub-Saharan Africa. Through this programme, I was able to conduct graduate research in Uganda that directly benefited the health of young children in this context. The tangible impact of our work deepened my passion for public health.

Who did you find inspiring at Imperial and why?

My classmates were the most inspiring people I met at Imperial. The wealth of knowledge and expertise amongst our programme made for an enriching academic environment. Much as we were students, we embodied diverse professional and lived experiences in the realm of public health. Our discussions were rich and relevant to our professional development.

What is your fondest memory of your time here?

My fondest memory of Imperial is the lively discussions our cohort would have throughout the duration of the programme. We were a diverse group from various backgrounds and different parts of the world. Bringing our varied experiences into the classroom broadened our knowledge both academically and personally. It has been inspiring to follow the career trajectories of many classmates, who are thriving in their various specialities.

What is your favourite place at Imperial and why?

My favourite place was the Central Library. It is a vibrant space that offers a place to work as well as the opportunity to enjoy the Queen’s Lawn. During the summer I would enjoy studying in the library, having a social break on the lawn, and getting a bite from the café there.

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now.   

I am the Founder of MedAtlas, a telemedicine platform simplifying access to specialist healthcare in Africa. I am also currently completing my PhD in Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo, Canada.

MedAtlas is the culmination of my doctoral studies and over ten years of experience in the sexual, reproductive, and fertility health sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. I have been fortunate to be a part of pioneering fertility hospitals in East and Southern Africa. These experiences have broadened my understanding of barriers to healthcare and opportunities for innovative solutions. Infertility is a reproductive disease affecting over 70 million in Africa, with only 20 out of 54 countries offering treatment services. This disparity creates considerable barriers to access.

MedAtlas leverages technological advances in healthcare to conveniently connect patients to licensed fertility specialists in Africa. Our mission is to be the leading telehealth provider for specialist healthcare services, continent-wide.

How has what you learnt at Imperial helped you in your career so far?

The connections I made with professors and colleagues at Imperial have nurtured my career in public health. As professional mentors, I have often come back to them for career advice and guidance.

Staying connected with my colleagues continues to both challenge and inspire me to strive for the best in my work. Imperial gives us the privilege to build relationships with brilliant minds around the world, shaping the culture of excellence we all take away from our time here.

What are your plans for the future?

Public health is about building resilient health systems that meet the needs of those it serves. In the future, I look forward to delivering more accessible and more affordable fertility healthcare to those that need it via research and telemedicine.

Additionally, I hope to extend MedAtlas services to other specialist conditions such as mental wellness and chronic healthcare.

What would be your advice for current students?

Take advantage of your time at Imperial to build meaningful relationships and participate in the inspiring work happening all over campus. These are the threads that will help you to weave a strong career as you move forward and reach your fullest potential.

What makes you proud to be an Imperial alumnus?

As an Imperial alumnus I have confidence in the quality of my education and I feel hopeful about having a vibrant career. Imperial is a world-class institution that cultivates a culture of innovation, creativity, and excellence. I continuously apply these virtues in my professional and personal life, as I work to build an impactful career in public health.

What one word or phrase would you use to describe Imperial alumni?


Do you have a favourite quote or saying?

“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.” – Barack Obama. 

Margaret was inspired by her classmates on the programme:

"Much as we were students, we embodied diverse professional and lived experiences in the realm of public health. Our discussions were rich and relevant to our professional development."