We caught up with alumnus Antoine Martin-Regniault (Environmental Technology 2009) at a recent event in Paris, to find out more about the lessons he still carries with him from his time at Imperial, and his advice for current students following in his footsteps.

Antoine is a member of the Imperial College Alumni Association of France who helped to organise the event in Paris. For more information, visit our regional groups page, or join the association's LinkedIn group.

Can you tell us about your time at Imperial?  

“I did the Environmental Technology MSc, B&E Option, managed by the very wise and very zen Dr Mike Tennant over at the Centre for Environmental Policy in Mechanical Engineering. My end of year research dealt with the efficiency of UK SMEs and the implications for energy policy.

I learnt so much…

  • That the devil is indeed in the detail
  • That tough is when the fun starts
  • That systemic thinking and resilience are important concepts in fact
  • That technology can solve most of our problems but not all of them
  • And that writing up a dissertation on Level 5 is a very lonely affair!”

What is your fondest memory of your time here?        

“Meeting all the great people from the course and College, and obviously the graduation ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall was quite impressive also.”

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now.            

“The work I am doing now is confidential actually but it involves smart resource use in an urban context… watch this space! My plans for the future are to set up my own company, and have fun!”

What would be your advice for current students?

My piece of advice is: get involved! Make the most of your time at Imperial by getting involved in as many societies, sports, trips, etc. as possible. Not only is this the best way to try out new things, it's also great for making new friends outside your course and having fun. This will also help you balance out the heavy workload you will encounter at the College. And if what you enjoy does not exist, just set it up. The Union has so much to offer and is a great starting point."

What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?  

“Moving back to Paris as London is thoroughly missed.”

What are you most proud of in your life?

“I am quite proud of my time at Imperial now that I think of it.”

Do you have a favourite quote or saying?       

“Alone I go fast, but together we go far (African proverb).”

Antoine's advice for current students

"Get involved! Make the most of your time at Imperial by getting involved in as many societies, sports, trips, etc. as possible. Not only is this the best way to try out new things, it's also great for making new friends outside your course and having fun."