The module descriptors for our undergraduate courses can be found below:
- Four year Aeronautical Engineering degree (H401)
- Four year Aeronautical Engineering with a Year Abroad stream (H410)
Students on our H420 programme follow the same programme as the H401 spending fourth year in industry.
The descriptors for all programmes are the same (including H411).
Applications of Fluid Dynamics S5
Module aims
This module explores a number of applications of fluid dynamics to areas within and beyond aeronautics, in fields such as the fluid dynamics and heat transfer of physiological flows in the human body and the study of animal locomotion in fluids and its application to the bio-inspired design of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). At the same time the course will deepen the understanding of the physics and governing equations of fluid dynamics.
Learning outcomes
On successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Describe the essential characteristics and components of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and apply dimensional analysis to derive key parameters describing physiological flows;
2. Construct appropriate models to describe transport and exchange process, including defining equations, boundary conditions and deriving solutions in simple cases for flows, including Non-Newtonian and pulsatile flows.
3. Apply simple model equations to describe the transport of aerosols in inhaled and exhaled air and the use of CO2 concentration as a surrogate for room ventilation;
4. Understand the fluid mechanical basis of energy losses in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and describe methods to quantify flow and transport in-vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
5. Understand the morphology and kinematics of animal wings and how they affect aerodynamic performance in gliding and flapping flight;
6. Examine the various modes of swimming employed by fish and how their fins, tails, and gaits, together with buoyancy contribute to the forces affecting motion;
7. Describe the effect of fluid-fluid interfaces on locomotion: walking, swimming, and diving;
8. Apply our understanding of animal locomotion in fluids to the bio-inspired design of UAVs.
Module syllabus
Bio-fluid mechanics. Nature and composition of blood and of respired air; length and time scales; characteristics of basic components and processes. Dimensional analysis (Womersley & other parameters); Brownian motion and diffusion; particle transport; diffusion equation. Modelling of non-Newtonian, pulsatile and wave-like flows; convective transport; exchange processes; equations and appropriate boundary conditions, flow losses. Applications & illustrations: vFFR, CO2 monitoring, flow measurement techniques, application of computational methods.
Teaching methods
The module will be delivered primarily through large-class lectures introducing the key concepts and methods, supported by a variety of delivery methods combining the traditional and the technological. The content is presented via a combination of slides, whiteboard and visualizer.
This module presents opportunities for both formative and summative assessment.
Assessment type | Assessment description | Weighting | Pass mark | Must pass? |
Examination |
2-hour closed-book written examination in January |
100% | 50% | N |
Reading list
The mechanics of the circulation
2nd ed., Cambridge University Press
Biofluid Mechanics: Analysis and Applications
Introductory biomechanics from cells to organisms
Cambridge University Press
Incropera's principles of heat and mass transfer
Eight edition / Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Heat and mass transfer : fundamentals & applications
Fifth edition in SI units., New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Education
Vertebrate flight : mechanics, physiology, morphology, ecology and evolution
The biokinetics of flying and swimming
2nd ed., American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Advances in Biomimetics
MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
An introduction to flapping wing aerodynamics
Cambridge University Press
Flapping and flexible wings for biological and micro air vehicles
Progress in aerospace sciences Elsevier Ltd
Modelling the flying bird / C.J. Pennycuick