Information and Booking

Trainer: Janine Waldman
Cost: Internal, no charge. Please check our cancellation fees before booking
Format: In-person (SK)
Duration: 2 hours (11:00-13:00)
07 November 
26 March

Booking: Go to ‘My Training’ and search using the keyword: “Feedback”Should you have any questions, please contact us


Feedback is a vital source of learning. Yet, it's not always easy to accept, especially if the feedback is not as positive as we would have hoped. This workshop is designed to help us maximise the opportunities that receiving feedback offers.
During this interactive workshop, you'll develop your openness and ability to receive and respond to feedback in a way that improves your relationships, confidence and performance.

Further Information:

  • Catering: n/a.
  • Break: There will be short breaks when required.
  • Preparation: Delegates are asked to think about times when they have received feedback that led to an improvement or change and asked what their initial response was.
  • Style: This is an interactive session with a participative style throughout. 

Accessibility: Please indicate any requirements you may have in the "Special Instructions" box on ICIS.