Teaching and learning widget

The request

Please provide the meeting agendas and minutes of the Department of Chemical Engineering's Strategic Advisory Board for the past four meetings.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-270, 19 June 2023

FOI Response, IMPFOI-23-270, CE SAB agenda and minutes (pdf)


The request

Various questions relating to Imperial College Data Science Institute’s relationship with HyperionDev and the delivery of co-branded online ‘bootcamps’.

 Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-237 8 June 2023

FOI response IMPFOI-23-237, HyperionDev (pdf)

The request

A copy of the risk assessments carried out for the hot fire tests conducted by the Imperial College London Rocketry project.

A summary of the safety protocols in place during the hot fire tests, including details of any protective measures such as barriers or enclosures.

Records of any incidents or accidents that have occurred during the “Imperial College London’s Rocketry” project's hot fire tests, including any injuries sustained by individuals involved or damages to the environment.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-217, 19 May 2023

Details of the risk assessments and safety protocols: FOI Response IMPFOI-23-217 (pdf)

There are no records of incidents or accidents.

FOI request and response, IMPFOI-24-307, 16 July 2024

FOI request and response, IMPFOI-24-307, MBBS Year 5 examinations (pdf)

Request and Response, IMPFOI-23-607, 27 November 2023

Please provide the following information about present library stock and the management of this stock:

1.       Provide a list of books which have a been given content warning of some kind either affixed to the volume, available online, or given verbally by staff, or any other form a warning, disclaimer, or content advisory might take for reasons of avoiding exposing people to offensive content, content which might be hateful, controversial, upsetting or triggering, or any other reason relating to: LGBTQ+ issues, homophobia, transgender issues, transphobia, sexism, sensitivities around race, racism, white supremacy, colonialism, immigration, religion (blasphemy) or other protected characteristics, or political views which are deemed controversial, unsuitable, or potentially offensive.

Imperial College Library does not assign content warning to material in our collections.

2.       Provide a list of books that have been removed from the main, generally accessible library shelves, placed in a reserved stack, or otherwise removed from direct access and ut of view of library users. This includes books being prohibited from promotional, possibly themed displays, such as Black History month of Pride for reasons of avoiding exposing people to offensive content, content which might be hateful, controversial, upsetting or triggering, or any other reason relating to: LGBTQ+ issues, homophobia, transgender issues, transphobia, sexism, sensitivities around race, racism, white supremacy, colonialism, immigration, religion (blasphemy) or other protected characteristics, or political views which are deemed controversial, unsuitable, or potentially offensive. 

Imperial College Library does not remove material from our main, generally accessible library shelves for any of the reasons listed above.

3.       Could you provide a list of books the library service has intentionally not stocked or refuses to stock for reasons of avoiding exposing people to offensive content, content which might be hateful, controversial, upsetting or triggering, or any other reason relating to: LGBTQ+ issues, homophobia, transgender issues, transphobia, sexism, sensitivities around race, racism, white supremacy, colonialism, immigration, religion (blasphemy) or other protected characteristics, or political views which are deemed controversial, unsuitable, or potentially offensive.

Imperial College Library has not intentionally not stocked or refused to stock material for any the reasons listed above.

4.       Please provide details of any outside groups who have provided advice on library collecting, stock management, in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion, and  LGBTQ+ issues, transgender issues, sensitivities around race, racism   (blashmemy)   , white supremacy, religion, or other protected characteristics, or political views which are deemed controversial

Imperial College London Library Services has taken advice from the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Race Equality Network in order to purchase material related to diversity, equity and inclusion for our NHS library users. We have also worked with the Equality Diversity and Inclusion book club at Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust to purchase requested readings to support the book club. Health Education England purchased national access to a collection of books on EDI topics which is made available to our NHS library users.  We have also received a request from Health Education England to withdraw the first and second editions of Medical interviews : a comprehensive guide to CT, ST & registrar interview skills by Picard, O, as it was reported that the book contained a racist model answer which was removed in subsequent editions and was no longer consistent with the expectations of the medical interview skills expected of doctors.  We already had copies of the later edition and withdrew the small number of earlier editions we still had in our collection. 

5.       Please provide details of any policies which would decide which books should or should not be displayed publicly on shelves 

Imperial College Library has no policy which governs what material should and should not be displayed publicly on shelves. We take pragmatic decisions about what material should be stored in our closed storage (only accessible to users through a fetching service) based on the age, value, fragility and availability of digital surrogates. We also store low use journals in our closed storage.


The request

Could you please provide details on the following:

  • The total amount of menopause teaching provided throughout the course (e.g., in hours).
  • The methods used to deliver this teaching (e.g., lectures, tutorials, placement, self-directed learning, etc.).
  • Whether this teaching is mandatory.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-334, 30 July 2024

In the Medicine MBBS/BSc programme, menopause teaching takes place in Phase 1a, 1b and 3a (i.e. years 1, 2 and 5). There is no menopause teaching in 1c (yr 3) or 3b (yr 6).

FOI response IMPFOI-24-334, IMPFOI-24-334, Menopause learning outcomes (xlxs)

For phase 3a, it is not possible to quantify the amount of teaching in hours. For 1a and 1b: there are two relevant learning outcomes and seven learning events, totalling 350 mins of teaching. However, not all of these 350 minutes will be on menopause alone.

For 3a teaching is delivered through lectures, tutorials, case studies, podcasts, online resources (e.g. CAPSULE cases), Medlearn pages. Students also attend specialist menopause clinics in hospital when on their Women’s Health placement and also within GPPHC.  The topic is examined in both the written exams and in PACES. For 1a and 1b teaching is delivered through lectures and tutorials.

The teaching is mandatory in all years.

Request and response, IMPFOI-24-235, 18 June 2024

1.    Please supply a copy of all medical degree (leading to an award where student eligible for GMC registration including graduate and undergraduate programmes) curricula, learning outcomes and student study guides

Please refer to the programme specification which includes the programme level learning outcomes: IMPFOI-24-235, A100-MBBS_BSc-Medicine-2023-24 (pdf)

2.     Please provide details of how many doctors who are practicing Radiologists or radiographers are involved in timetabled delivery of undergraduate teaching. If possible please separate by employment grade.

3.    Please provide how many consultant radiologists are within appointed academic positions within your medical school

We are not able to provide this information because staff employed to deliver clinical education are employed by the NHS Trust. There may be honorary contracts (without renumeration) with Imperial College London, but our records of these contracts would not necessary record details of their specialism.

4.    Please provide how many hours of timetabled undergraduate radiology training students on your  medical degree programmes receive
5.    Please provide how many hours of organised or timetabled radiology department placements or sessions medical degree programme students are expected to attend

Please refer to the course maps for years 3, 5 and 6 which cover the majority of placement activity: 

IMPFOI-24-235, Phase-1-Placements-Course-Map-2023-24 (pdf)

IMPFOI-24-235, Phase-3a-Year-5-Course-Map-2023-24-1 (pdf)

IMPFOI-24-235, Year-6-Course-Map-2023-24-V3-Updated-29-09-2023 (pdf)

6.    Please provide details if the Medical School has an appointed curriculum lead or similar post responsible for the radiology curriculum.

We have a course lead for Radiology. 

The request

The General Medical Council is introducing a medical licensing examination for medical students. Some students will sit this in the academic year 2023/ 2024. Please could you confirm;

1)      Will any of your students sit the UKMLA in 2023/ 2024?

2)      If so, when will this happen?

3)      Will this examination be the same as other institutions or will it vary from university to university?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-168, 20 April 2023

Imperial College students will not sit the UK MLA in 2023/24. The UK MLA will be required for award of the primary medical qualification for students graduating in 2025. The exam is designed and standard-set by Medical Schools Council (MSC) in collaboration with medical schools. Imperial College medical school will sit an exam at the same time as other medical schools choosing the same date. Other schools will sit other examinations on other dates.

The request

Please provide details of the teaching offered to medical students studying for their Primary Medical Qualification regarding death certification. 

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-306, 29 June

We have provided the relevant learning outcomes from our curriculum mapping system and also the current 2022-23 course map which includes the Phase 3a (Year 5) block for the Pathology module, under which those learning outcomes sit: 

FOI Response. IMPFOI-23-306, UK medical school teaching on death certification

The request 

In 23/24, how many summative exams were both remote and online, i.e. no invigilators were physically present?
In 23/24, did the university use any remote invigilating or lockdown browser systems for any of these summative online remote exams, e.g. ProctorU, Examsoft, Respondus etc?
Is the University going to change the numbers of summative remote online exams which are invigilated (or not) in 24/25? 

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-302, 9 July 2024

In 23/24, 12 summative exams were both remote and online with no invigilators physically present. These were for part-time online programmes run by Imperial College London Business School, not full-time, on-campus programmes. Remote invigilators were used to monitor student flows on WISEflow. 

No records are held regarding future use of remote and online summative assessments. Imperial has returned to in-person exams for all programmes except those that are online.


The request 

The percentageof undergraduate student exams taking place online in the academic years  2019/20 to 2022-23.

The percentage of undergraduate student teaching scheduled taking place online in the academic years 2019/20 to 2022-23.

Imperial College Response, IMPFOI-23-184, 28 April 2023

The tables below shows the percentage of undergraduate exams that took place (or are scheduled to take place) in-person or remotely and the percentage of undergraduate teaching sessions that have taken place in-person or remotely.

Percentage of Undergratuate exams in-person and online

In-person 3% 0% 39% 98%
Remote 97% 100% 61%


Percentage of Undergratuate teaching sessions in-person and online

 2019/20*2020/212021/222022/23 (autumn and spring terms)
In-person 98% 40% 80% 92%
Remote 2% 60% 20% 8%