Student scholarships widget

The Request

  • How many Palestinians have applied to the university’s scholarships this academic year 2023/24? How many of these applications have been accepted?
  • How many Ukrainians have applied to the university’s scholarships this academic year 2023/24 to date? How many of these applications have been accepted?
  • How many Ukrainians have applied to the university’s scholarships since 2022 to date? How many of these applications have been accepted?

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-356, 20 August 2024

In 2023/24, there were 12 applications for the Sanctuary Scholarship from students from Ukraine. The applications were not successful. There were no applications from students from Palestine.

One student from Ukraine applied for and was awarded the Sanctuary Scholarship in 2022.


The request

Regarding the Business School Excellence Award, please advise:

  1. How many awards are available
  2. When offer holders are notified they will receive the award
  3. How many were granted in 2023/24, by gender and fee status of offer holder

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-189, 22 May 2024

  1. Multiple awards are available, there is not there is not a set number.
  2. There is no fixed time when offer-holders are notified that they will receive an award. This will happen at various times throughout the cycle. 
  3. 64 entrants received an Imperial Excellence Award. 44%  were female entrants and 56% were male. 11% were awarded to Home entrants, 89% to Overseas entrants.

The request

Please provide:

  • The number of free guest tickets each graduand was permitted for their graduation ceremony for the years 2018-19, 2022-23 and 2023-24
  • The cost per ticket (£) for guests of graduands to for the graduation ceremony for the years 2018-19, 2022-23 and 2023-24
  • The cost of gown hire (£) for the years 2018-19, 2022-23 and 2023-24
  • Please also tell me of any exemptions for children’s tickets that you may have, and what age they must be to qualify.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-193, 14 May 2024

Please refer to the Graduation Frequently asked questions for further information about graduation at Imperial, including attendance of children.

Graduands are not permitted free guest tickets.

The guest ticket costs are as follows:

  • 2018/19 - £25.00
  • 2022/23 and 2023/24 - £24.99

The cost of gown here is:

  • 2018/19 and 2022/23 - £51 - £58
  • 2023/24 - £52 - £59



The request

Please provide the number, name and type of scholarships administered by the College’s Central Student Financial Support Team for the past 3 years and the total value awarded under each of these per year.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-355, 4 August 2023

FOI response, IMPFOI-23-355, scholarships (xlsx)



The request

Please provide the number and total value of scholarships and bursaries awarded to students in 2022/23, broken down by level of study (undergraduate, postgraduate) and fee status. 

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-336, 6 August 2024

Please see the table below. Please note these are the awards administered by our central team in the university’s Registry.

Level of study Fee status Total number Value (£)
Undergraduate Home 3031 £10,525,211.00
Undergraduate Overseas 43 £289,858.00
Postgraduate Home 119 £2,206,291.00
Postgraduate Overseas 269 £6,332,800.00
Total   3462 £19,354,161.00

The request

  • The number of applications made to the fund over the past five academic years.
  • The total sums of payments made to students from the fund over the past five academic years.
  • The proportion of international students/UK who have received payments from the fund over the past five academic years.

Imperial College Response (IMPFOI-23-024, 2 February 2023)

Total applications 160 297 199 223 481 342
Successful applications 92 113 113 130 284 203
Home students 59 61 63 74 120 92
Overseas EU students 33 52 50 56 164 111
Total fund awarded £179,684.91 £125,942.01 £284,600.20 £164,167.31 £459,732.17 £252,646.06

The Request

  • Please could you confirm in what year the Imperial College London Student Support Fund was created? 
  • How many full-time, British, undergraduate students applied for the Imperial Student Support Fund in the academic years 2019-2020, 2020-21 and 2021-22? 
  • How many of those applicants (full-time, British, undergraduate students) were successful and received any form of funding in the academic years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 from the Imperial Student Support Fund?  
  • How many of those applicants (full-time, British, undergraduate students) were given a non-payable award and how many received a loan in the academic years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 under the Imperial Student Support Fund?
  • What was the average monetary sum that a successful applicant (full-time, British, undergraduate students) received as a non-payable award in the academic years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 under the Imperial Student Support? 
  • What was the average monetary loan that a successful applicant (full-time, British, undergraduate students) received under the Imperial Student Support Fund?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-206, 18 May 2023

The Imperial College Student Support Fund was created in 2014. Details of payments made to full-time, undergraduate Home fee paying students: FOI Response IMPFOI-23-206 (pdf)




FOI Request and response, IMPFOI-23-581, 8 November 2023

How many students had successful Student Support Fund applications in the academic year 2022-3?


How many students had rejected Student Support Fund applications in the academic year 2022-3?


What was the minimum amount that one student received via the Student Support Fund in the academic year 2022-3?


What was the maximum amount that one student received via the Student Support Fund in the academic year 2022-3?


How much money was allocated by the University for distribution via the Student Support Fund in the academic year 2022-3?

£500,000 from College funds in addition to donation funds.

How much money was given by the University to students via the Student Support Fund in the academic year 2022-3?

£608,006 including from donation funds.


In addition to the number of successful applicants, we awarded £244,000 (488 students) in fast-track hardship grant payments to students of £500 each. 465 of these students did not apply to the Student Support Fund, therefore we awarded 686 students in total with funds from the Student Support Fund in the 2022-23 academic year.


The request

Information on cost of living payments to PhD students at Imperial between January 2022 and January 2023. Please provide data on the follow categories: the number of PhD students to receive payments; individual amounts PhD students were paid, if this will identify individuals please provide an average value for individual payments; the total amount paid to students; payments broken down by payments made by faculty and departments to students.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-069, 6 March 2023

Imperial College does not make 'cost of living' payments, but student experiencing financial difficulties can apply to the Student Support Fund for assistance. The information is not available at Department level.

FacultyNumber of paymentsTotal amount paid to PhD students
Faculty of Engineering 24 £49,456.56
Facukty of Medicine 19 £25,615.00
Faculty of Natural Sciences 16 £28,794.26
Total 59 £103,865.82




The request

From 2015 - 2023, the numbers of China Scholarship Council (CSC)-funded students every year. Please provide aggregated data by departments.

Imperial College London response, IMPFOI-24-092, 13 March 2024

FOI Response IMPFOI-24-092, CSC Scholarships (pdf)

The request

Since 2018, how many students have been investigated for tuition fee fraud?

Imperial Response, IMPFOI-24-084, 12 March 2024

Since 2018 there have been seven incidents involving suspected tuition fee fraud. The students in each case were not necessarily suspected of perpetrating the fraud. 

The request

Please provide details of the fees payable by UK and international students, 2012/13 to 2018 2021/22.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-216, 28 May 2024

Please see response to previous FOI request for tuitions fees information for 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 (IMPFOI-24-170).

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2012-13 (pdf)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2013-14 (pdf)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2014-15 (pdf)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2015-16 (pdf)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2016-17 (xlsx)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2017-18 (pdf)

FOI response IMPFOI-24-216, tuition fees 2018-19 (xlsx)

The request

Please provide details of the fees payable by UK and international students, 2019/20 to 2021/22.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-170, 18 April 2024

Tuition fees 2019-20 (pdf)

Tuition fees 2020-21 (pdf)

Tuition fees 2021-22 (pdf)