Library student PC software policy

Library Services has a software build on its Windows PCs and laptops created annually by ICT to cater for students from all departments. We welcome suggestions for adding specific departmental applications to the build based on the following conditions:

  • The software should already be in use by academic departments. Requests for new software should be made via the relevant department.
  • The software is compatible with the current Windows build and does not compromise other installed software or hardware.
  • Wherever possible software will be delivered across all library PCs and laptops.
  • Updates to software (excluding security fixes) may only be carried out as part of the annual upgrade process.
  • Access to library PCs will be on a first come first served basis.
  • Additional software licensing and hardware costs will be met by the responsible department.

To make a recommendation for new software, or comment on our existing provision, please complete the suggestion form.  All requests will be managed via ICT.