We will automatically renew your items before the return date, unless they have been requested.
If an item is recalled you will need to return it by the due date. We charge fines on recalled items if they are not returned.
If you are unable to return an item, email as-library@imperial.ac.uk for assistance.
How much will I be charged?
- Overdue items recalled by another user - 50p per day (after 1 day’s grace), maximum £10.00 per item
- Items over 6 weeks overdue - items are considered lost and you will be charged the replacement cost
If you have outstanding fines of more than £10.00 your library record will be blocked and you will not be able to borrow or renew until the items are returned and the outstanding payment made.
How will I know my items are overdue?
We send email overdue reminders as follows:
- 1 week overdue - return the overdue item(s) as soon as possible or contact us.
- 3 weeks overdue - you will not be able to borrow or renew items or enter any of our libraries until you have contacted us to resolve the matter.
- 6 weeks overdue - the item(s) will be considered lost and the replacement cost will be added to your library account. You will receive an email containing information about the replacement cost.
How do I pay my fine?
Sign in to your library account on Library Search, choose My Library Card and click on Pay Fine. Alternatively, visit one of our libraries where you will be able to pay by debit card. We do not take cash payments.