Scientist working with sample equipment

The IRO is the relationship holder or ‘front door’ for college engagement with international missions and embassies

The team builds relations with:

  • UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN)- FCO attaches in UK embassies overseas
  • The London Diplomatic Science Club - education, research and innovation attaches at foreign embassies based in the UK
  • Geneva Science Policy Interface – a network to enhance engagement with multi-lateral policy institutions (e.g UN, WHO)

The FCO Science and Innovation Network

The Science and Innovation Network (SIN) has approximately 90 officers in over 30 countries and territories around the world building partnerships and collaborations on science and innovation. It is part of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

SIN officers work with the local science and innovation community to lead on building and developing bilateral partnerships, leading to mutual benefits to the UK and the host country.

The London Diplomatic Science Club

Established in the 1960s, the Diplomatic Science Club is a Network of Science, Education and Innovation attaches posted in London. It is a network of the London Diplomatic Association (LDA), which provides members with an opportunity to gain a deeper insight into Britain's political, economic and social affairs, extending their contacts and broadening their professional experience. The IRO engages with the Diplomatic Science Club, as well as having working bilateral relationships with over 50 embassies and High Commissions.

The Geneva Science Policy Interface

Backed by leading research institutions in Switzerland and Europe, the Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) is an independent, neutral platform that strives to enhance scientific engagement with global governance actors within the Geneva ecosystem, aiming to facilitate the emergence of effective policy and strategic solutions to complex problems.

Benefits to Imperial

  • expanding engagement with overseas and UK governments and their agencies, in order to inform policy makers, identify international opportunities/risks for the College and enhance its global profile and reputation. 
  • working relationships and contact with science, education and innovation advisors who are tasked with helping to build Science, Education and Innovation partnerships across the globe.


For more information contact:


International Relations Office
Imperial College London
Faculty Building Level 2
South Kensington Campus

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 2666