Abstract design blue background with connected yellow lights

LERU is a network of  23 leading European universities pushing the frontiers of innovative research

The aim of LERU is to influence European politicians, policymakers and opinion leaders and enhance understanding of the important role and activities of research-intensive universities.

Benefits of LERU membership

Thought leadership 

LERU offers a vital platform for Europe’s leading universities to collectively demonstrate thought leadership in a number of important areas related to research, education, innovation and University governance.

Influence and engagement with policymakers

LERU is a strong and very-well respected voice in Brussels, with valued networks and influence with the European Commission and European Parliament. It also provides important intelligence on sector developments at the European-level.

Best practice and networks 

LERU groups offer valued networks for Imperial representatives to share best practice and develop peer networks with counterparts from across Europe. This is useful for professional development, strategic thinking and stimulating new ideas.


Michael McTernan


International Relations Office
Imperial College London
Faculty Building Level 2
South Kensington Campus

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6836