Employee self service

Declaration of interests

Declaration of interests happens once a year. Ensure you understand the process and submit in time.

Submit your declaration 

Personal details & qualifications

You can update your personal details and qualifications at any time. You just need to login in with your College ID.

View and update your details

Annual leave

You can book your next holiday or schedule some time off work via the College's annual leave system.

Book annual leave

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Report an absence

If you’re unwell and unable to come into work, contact your line manager within the first hour and submit your absence.

Submit an absence 

My Payslips

With your College login, you can view your payslip at any time via a computer or a mobile device or tablet.

View payslip


Typically, fully completed, compliant and approved expense claims received are processed within 72 hours.

Submit and view expenses

Accessible documents

Some of the downloadable documents linked to on this page are not accessible. For accessible versions, please contact hricisinfo@imperial.ac.uk.