Dalby Court

College booking system for meeting rooms

It is recommended to use Microsoft Outlook to book a meeting room. 

Simply click the room finder button in the location field of any meeting you have set up and a list of available rooms will display. If you know the name of the room you want to book, you can start typing it in the location field. 

You can also book meeting rooms via the Operations Management software, Planon, however we recommend Outlook for an easier experience. 

Who can book which rooms?

Centrally-managed rooms are open for all staff to book. 

Departmentally-managed rooms have varied settings and may be restricted depending on which faculty and department you work in. 

Microsoft Outlook will decline your room booking if you book a room you are not permitted to. Planon will not allow you to request rooms that you do not have permission to book. 

Adding rooms to the system

Etiquette for rooms

  • Follow the room etiquette when booking and using shared space across Imperial.

How to find and book rooms

Using Outlook

Use Outlook when you are familiar with the rooms and their location.

Invite the room to a meeting.  The room will accept or decline.  The room is not booked unless it accepts your invitation, be sure to check your email replies. 

User guides:

All of the above guides offer guidance on creating and managing recurring bookings, which should be done with care.

Using Planon

Use Planon when you want to find and book a room you are not familiar with or if you are booking on behalf of someone else and do not want the booking in your Outlook calendar.

User guides:

 The College Room Finder in Planon is a useful tool for searching for information, using a wide range of criteria, across all shared space at College. The results will provide information including facilities, contact and booking details and accessibility information.