The data

Imperial’s inclusivity and diversity landscape has progressed greatly over the last two decades, however, the data is difficult to capture in a single document or within a single set of statistics.

The information set out on the following pages provide a snapshot of the current position, although only a component of the many useful datasets highlighting the staff and student makeup at Imperial. The intention here is to illustrate our initial priorities in order to meet the objectives set out in this strategy. 

Our most recent Advanced HE submissions for Athena Swan Charter (awarded Silver in 2022) and the Race Equality Charter (awarded Bronze in 2021) share stated ambitions for the future hire of women and ethnic minorities. The projected data presented in tables 2 and 3 are consistent with these commitments, although a more holistic approach from Advanced HE inclusive of age, disability, gender, religious belief and intersectionality, would be greatly welcomed. Appendix 3 sets out the data timelines in terms of staff appointments from the preceding years and provides a sense of the rate of change in these areas. Directions towards shrinking the Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gaps originate from the action plans submitted by the Imperial Deans in 2023 and the resulting data analysis that informs the most impactful next steps needed to close those gaps. In 2024, Imperial reported the Disability Pay Gap for the first time, and although this requires detailed scrutiny before targets can be set out, shrinking the Disability Pay Gap will be included in our efforts. 

The undergraduate Access and Participation Plan (APP) overseen by Strategic Planning has a wealth of initiatives to support the stated APP targets. We have included statistics that go beyond the APP, which are endorsed by the Education Office. Ambitions for post graduate student diversity and support is not included directly as it is undergoing policy development currently. Nevertheless, similar aspirations apply equally to the makeup and experience of our postgraduate community.

It is important to emphasis that the Associate Provost (EDI) have no mandate that allow us to make direct change to either staff or student data. Our role can only be to advocate for positive change passionately and consistently in a stewardship capacity. The ambitions listed can only be achieved if those with the authority to do so, work alongside us at every step and the community as a whole works together with a cohesive sense of purpose.

A particular mention must go to the ongoing programmes and support that champion our underrepresented groups. These include the work delivered by Imperial's staff networks and the positive action programmes run through the EDI Centre including the IMPACT and Calibre programmes. They also include mentoring programmes for PhD students from underrepresented groups including the Activate programme run through the Graduate School and the ENHANCE programme run through the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Measurable ambitions

Overall, the aim is to accelerate the rate of change and eliminate gaps in the data within the next two decades.

In many areas the rate of change, although gradual, is positive due to the work already achieved. The targets reflect these trajectories with some ambition built in. There are areas where the statistics have plateaued or where there has been a decline in progress and we intend to apply focused effort in order to better understand the reasons for this, and the mechanisms that will help reverse the trends.

Table 1 - Community engagement - EDI responses in Staff Survey

Continuing to improve the responses in the staff survey requires embedding Imperial Values more widely across Imperial and the actions described in pillars 3, 5 and 6.


2024 Baseline

(captured in the 2024 Staff Survey: 57% response rate)

2026 Ambition

(to be captured in the 2026 Staff Survey: aim 65% response rate)

I am treated with dignity and respect 82% affirmative 90% affirmative 
I am confident about expressing views without negative consequences 51% affirmative 65% affirmative
Have you experienced any form of bullying and/or harassment (excluding sexual harassment) at Imperial? 83% negative

90% negative

(Greater than 90% negative by 2029 following Athena Swan Action Plan 3.1, REC Action Plan 1.4, and the People Strategy)

I can talk to my line manager about anything that concerns me about my work 81% affirmative 90% affirmative


Table 3 - Recruitment, retention and progression

The 2026 ambitions are extrapolated from the timeline trends in the data (in Appendix 3), and the commitments made in the Imperial Athena Swan Charter (2022) and Race Equality Charter (2021) submissions.

Measure 2023 baseline 2026 ambition (unless stated otherwise)
% of women academics 25% 28% by 2027 (Athena Swan Action Plan 1.1)
% of women Professors 20% 24% by 2027 (Athena Swan Action Plan 1.1)
Minority ethnic Academic Staff 16.8%  19% (REC Action Plan 2.2, 2.5, 2.6)
Black Academic Staff 0.4% 0.8% (REC Action Plan 2.2, 2.5, 2.6)
Minority Ethnic PTO staff 29% 31% (REC Action Plan 2.7)
Black PTO staff 7.8% 10% (REC Action Plan 2.7)
Gender Pay Gap 14.1% mean, 6% median 12% mean, 5% median (Athena Swan Action Plan 1.1)
Ethnicity Pay Gap 15.7% mean, 9.5% median 14% mean, 8% median (REC Action Plan 1.1)

Table 3 - Student admissions and performance

Note: Equivalent data for PGT and PGR are currently under review.

Measure 2023-2024 baseline (unless otherwise stated) 2029 ambition (unless otherwise stated)
Total percentage of female UG 40% 42% by 2027 (45% by 2029). (Athena Swan Action Plan 5.1)
Entrance rate of Black Home UG 5.9% (2021-22) 8.2% (APP 2024)
Entrance rate of Home FSM* eligible UG  11.5% (2021-22) 11.7% (APP 2024)
Continuation gap for Black Home UG** 5.2 percentage points (2020-21) 4 percentage points (APP 2024)
First class degree awarding gap by gender - all UG students 3% across Imperial. -3% Faculty of Medicine, 3% Faculty of Engineering, 6% Faculty of Natural Sciences 0%
First class degree awarding gap for Black UG students 36% 25% (REC Action Plan 3.4)
First class degree awarding gap by disability - all UG students 3% Other Disability. -2% Specific Learning Disability 0%
Completion rate gap for students declaring a disability 2% (for students starting 2018-19) 0%
Progression into highly skilled employment/further study for IMDQ1 Home UG students*** 10.8% (2020-21) 9.7%. (APP 2024)

*FSM - Free School Meals

**Further clarification and action plans to support the Admission and Performance for UG, please see the published Access and Participation plan (APP).  We aim to extend the APP activity to include all minority ethnic students and students with disability.

***IMDQ1 refers to the Indices of Multiple Deprivation