The Digital Assessment Working Group is a sub-group of the Teaching & Learning Product Board. It is co-chaired by the Principal Learning Technologist, FoE and the Head of Academic Services, Registry. Alongside other sub-groups it makes recommendations and examines issues in greater detail on digital assessment at College.

The sub-group provides a forum for considering a range of technical/service options for enhancing the variety of digital assessment formats and the academic policy and administrative support required to ensure the smooth and secure delivery of these assessments. The Group will also consider impacts on ICT resourcing, license costs, budgeting and EdTech resourcing.

Terms of Reference

  • To advise the Teaching & Learning Product Board on matters of strategy and resource allocation to support planning and procurement processes for the development and enhancement of hybrid digital learning and assessment at the College.
  • To make recommendations regarding digital assessment within the College’s broader Digital Learning strategy, in line with the overarching aims of the College’s learning and teaching strategy.
  • To inform, align and further develop college’s approach to digital assessment in terms of tools, multi-functional physical spaces, content and online experience. (spaces need to keep up on development of hybrid learning)
  • To evaluate the take up of digital assessment across Departments and gather feedback from staff and, working with the Imperial College Union, Students to identify good practice and enhancements which can be made to digital assessment provision at the College.
  • To work collaboratively across the other sub-groups of the Teaching and Learning Product Board, and with other relevant stake-holder groups to make recommendations for the tools and development of digital assessment.
  • To identify any amendments to academic policy for consideration by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and other relevant bodies.
  • To bring new opportunities to the attention of the Product Board along with expert evaluation of the associated risks.
  • To interpret wider Learning and Teaching product line roadmaps and investment priorities.
  • To enable informed communication between Academic, Professional and Technical Staff around existing and future needs and capabilities in digital assessment.

Membership (TBC)

  • Shireen Lock, Ed Tech Lab Lead, Faculty of Engineering (Co-Chair)
  • Judith Webster, Director of Academic Quality and Standards, Registry (Co-Chair)
  • Fran Williams, Head of Examination Timetabling, Registry
  • Joanne Chaffin, Head of Exams & Assessment, Business School
  • Stephen Vaz, Senior Learning Technologist, Business School
  • James Dunbar, EdTech Tools and Systems Manager, Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Ashish Hemani, Digital Learning Programme Manager, Faculty of Medicine
  • Luke McGowan, Senior Learning technologist, Faculty of Medicine
    Jaineesha Mistry, Digital Learning Technologist, IETL (Academic Services)
    Mark Eggins, Digital Learning Designer, IETL (Academic Services)
  • Emina, Hogas, Deputy President (Education), Imperial College Union
  • ICT, Various ICT Reps join based per project/service

NB. sub-group members are asked to represent their wider constituency (e.g. faculty, department, teams or schools) on the sub-group.