On this page:
  • Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) assessment outcomes
  • Autism assessment outcomes
Once you have had your assessment, the assessor will write a report detailing their findings and results. It is important you keep this report as you can use it for reference and as proof of any support needs you may have, which employers or service providers have an obligation to address.  

Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) assessment outcomes

  • It takes around 20 working days for the report to be completed;
  • we receive a copy of the report and send it to you along with a suggested reasonable adjustments document (SRAD) - this highlights what support we recommend;
  • finally, we book you an appointment with one of the team to discuss possible support, answer any questions you have about your report and clarify exam arrangements. You will also be referred for a separate technology training session to help with your study efficiency.    

Outcomes of my SpLD assessment

An SpLD is identified

We will discuss all support options available, including:
  • extra time on library loans;
  • inclusive technology use and training;
  • applying for examination arrangements;
  • access to specialist study skills tutorials.  Download the Dyslexia SpLD study skills tutorials flyer‌ (PDF) for more information;
  • If characteristics of AD(H)D (SpLD) are mentioned as being part of your profile independent further medical referrals are required to investigate prescription drugs.
 You can read more about these on our adjustments and support page.  

My report says I have 'Compensated Dyslexia'

Compensated dyslexia is where there are signs of significant discrepancies in an individual’s cognitive ability (phonological, auditory memory and auditory processing speed tasks) but where his/her literacy (reading, spelling, writing and comprehension) has been improved by hard work. Often, students will use the visual modality heavily to reduce the strain on the misfiring cognitive skills mentioned above. Also, the student may have been appropriately taught in the past using good cumulative multi-sensory literacy strategies to compensate for weaknesses. In summary, it is where a student’s literacy is stronger than one would expect but there is still evidence of underpinning cognitive weakness.

An SpLD has not been identified

If your assessor does not identify a specific learning difficulty, the report will still give you a great deal of information about your best way of learning. An advisor will discuss the report with you and can suggest ways to improve your study efficiency in light of its conclusions. An advisor may also be able to suggest other appropriate support such as accessing the inclusive technologies in the software hub or attending other study skills sessions run by Imperial.

Autism assessment outcomes

Once the report has been completed, a copy of it will be sent to you and the Disability Advisory Service. 
The disability advisor who referred you for the assessment will contact you to set up a meeting.  This is to discuss your report, the recommendations The Owl Centre has made and to begin writing your Suggested Reasonable Adjustments Document.  

Outcomes of my Autism assessment

If you meet the criteria for Autistic Spectrum Condition

The advisor will discuss all support options available, including:

  • access to specialist study skills tutorials or specialist mentoring;
  • inclusive technology use and training;
  • applying for additional examination arrangements;
  • referrals for further specialist support.

If you do not meet the criteria for Autistic Spectrum Condition

The advisor will discuss what your next steps are, including:

  • options arising from the findings in your assessment;
  • any further referrals which may be appropriate;
  • what further support or advice we may be able to offer.