Seville Oranges

A beginner’s introduction to Spanish

Module details

  • Offered to 1st and 2nd Years
  • Monday or Tuesday 16.00-18.00 (depending on year of study)
  • Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
  • Two-term module, worth 7.5 ECTS
  • Not available as part of I-Explore
  • Extra Credit, or Degree Credit where your department allows
Degree credit module options by departmentHow to enrol

A communicative module for absolute beginners, offering an introduction to the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking countries.

This module aims to:

  • Give students with no previous knowledge of Spanish an introduction to the everyday language spoken in Spanish-speaking countries, including a fairly-wide range of vocabulary and basic structures
  • Develop all the fundamental language skills, i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking
  • Offer students insights into the culture and daily life in Spanish-speaking countries
  • Equip students with the necessary tools for independent language learning
  • Prepare students to progress towards higher language levels

By the end of the module, students should have reached approximately the A1+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

To be eligible for this module, you need to have no previous experience in learning Spanish.

Please note: The information on this module description is indicative. The module may undergo minor modifications before the start of next academic year. 

Information blocks

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • respond to and produce a basic range of spoken language in very familiar contexts;
  • respond to and produce simple written texts;
  • demonstrate the relevant level of intercultural awareness in your handling of everyday social interactions in Spanish and your use of language;
  • engage with a basic range of digital language learning tools to support your production.Alhambra Granada

In this module, you will cover the following linguistic structures:Giralda in Seville


  • the present tense, the imperative and the near future;
  • personal and object pronouns;
  • articles (definite, indefinite) and possessive adjectives;
  • the declension of nouns and pronouns;
  • reflexive verbs;
  • the preterite tense;
  • prepositions, conjunctions and quantifiers;
  • impersonal forms;
  • verbs like 'gustar'.


These linguistic structures will be applied to the following topics:


  • making contact;
  • directions and travel;
  • expressing opinions;
  • work, training and the professions;
  • eating and drinking;
  • holidays and leisure;
  • family and relationships;
  • providing and understanding information;
  • social and behavioural norms;
  • selected cultural areas and personalities from Spanish-speaking countries.


In line with MFL communicative and active learning methodologies in-class activities cover all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and include: pair work and groupwork (dialogue practice, information gap exercises, discussion and collection of key terms/ideas followed by report to plenum);  individual tasks (face to face and online); discovery and formulation of rules; work with texts, audio and video material to develop learning and communicative skills. Homework and coursework tasks give you the opportunity to revise and consolidate knowledge and skills and to develop awareness of how to use language learning tools independently. This approach not only ensures you engage with a wide range of tasks, but also supports different learning styles.

Your coursework will be marked and returned within two weeks. Rubrics and revision guidance (how-to guides) will be included as needed with each coursework. You will receive detailed feedback alongside suggestions for improvement and an overall percentage showing your provisional grade for that assessment.

  • Coursework (20%): Mid-autumn term, four skills task-based pack: Listening, guided speaking, reading and writing (c. 100 words).
  • Examination (20%): In-class test, run on the virtual learning environment (bring your own device). This 1-hour test will take place at the end of autumn term. It will include a grammar/lexicon quiz, a reading comprehension and a writing task (100-120 words).
  • Coursework (20%): Mid-spring term, integrated skills task-based pack: listening, speaking and writing (c. 100 words).
  • Examination (20%): In-class test run on the virtual learning environment (bring your own device). This 1-hour test will take place at the end of spring term. It will include a grammar/lexicon quiz, a reading comprehension and a writing task (120-150 words).
  • Practical (20%): Oral exam (end of spring term), including graded open conversation on topics seen in class, and describing an image (approx. 10 minutes).
  • 7.5 ECTS points awarded on successful completion of the module.
  • Available to take for credit towards your degree where your department allows. Also available for extra-credit.
  • You must be prepared to attend all classes and and undertake approximately 3 hours of private study each week in addition to the assessment.

Coursebook: Aula Internacional Plus 1: Student's book + Exercise book + Mp3 audio download (English ed.), Jaime Corpas et al. Ed. Difusión, 2020, ISBN 9788418224157.*

*Please note that purchase of the designated coursebook will be required as this is an essential tool for study and revision and will be used on a daily basis in the class.

Handout materials will be provided in class.

Extra grammar practice, exercises and recommended resources for independent learning will be available on Blackboard.

Other course book related resources:

Further grammar support: Collins Easy Learning Spanish Grammar & Practice, Harper Collins 2016, ISBN: 9780008141646



Spanish advice

Dr Iria González Becerra
0207 594 8769
Room S304, Sherfield Level 3
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication