
A post-beginner level module to build on the basic skills of British Sign Language

Module details

  • Offered to 2nd Years
  • Mondays 16.00-18.00 
  • Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
  • 2 term module worth 7.5 ECTS
  • Available to eligible students as part of I-Explore
  • Extra Credit or Degree Credit where your department allows
How to enrol

This module will expand beyond the basics of British Sign Language and enhance the effectivity of your communication, using an established BSL lexicon suitable for both social and professional settings. You will be introduced to a wider range of topics essential for everyday interactions, practice longer narratives, and relate events from the past and future.

Alongside the theoretical and practical aspects of BSL, the module will also provide valuable insights into the deaf world so that you gain a broad understanding of deaf culture and implement inclusive practices in your interactions.   

To be eligible for this module you need to have previously completed the Level 1 module, or a beginner's BSL course elsewhere. 

Please note: The information on this module description is indicative. The module may undergo minor modifications before the start of next academic year. 

Information blocks

On successful completion of this module, you will be better prepared to:
  • engage in a broad range of social situations, and in some professional communicative situations, applying known structures;
  • construct and follow narratives in BSL dealing with abstract topics;
  • recognise and respond to unexpected linguistic structures, adapting your production according to the relevant register;
  • demonstrate intercultural awareness in your handling of routine social interactions in BSL, and in your use and modification of language.
Topics of focus will include:
  • everyday routines and habits
  • challenges and recommendations
  • hopes and expectations
  • places of interest
  • cultural events

You will explore more nuanced situations and diversify your awareness of both hearing and non-hearing impairments in multicultural families. This will involve exploring feelings, moods, life issues, and experiences, using compound sentences in BSL.

Furthermore, you will engage in debates and discussions about professional roles within the deaf community and provide advice, using BSL phonology.

In line with active learning methodologies, in-class activities cover pair work, group work, individual tasks, as well as plenary activities. New content will be practised and tested in class on an individual/pair and group basis. Weekly homework tasks and self-study resources posted on the VLE will give you the opportunity to revise and consolidate your knowledge and skills at your pace, in preparation for each session. Formative feedback will be provided throughout, either in the classroom or in written form.

  • Coursework (20%): End of autumn term (to be handed in at the start of spring term). Communication project: storytelling task (individual signed communication approx. 7 mins) & real-life signed dialogue (pair work approx. 7-10 mins).  
  • Coursework (20%): Mid-spring term (to be handed in toward the end of spring term). Independent written research project, including a policy proposal (approx. 1000-1200 words total).
  • Practical (60%): Spring/summer terms. Conversation on topics seen in class (approx. 12-15 mins).

The summative assessment consists of a practical (BSL conversation) at the end of spring term, as well as two pieces of coursework, designed to support your independent skills development (Coursework 1) and to offer you the opportunity to explore areas of personal interest through research (Coursework 2).

Your coursework will be marked and returned within two weeks. Rubrics and revision guidance (how-to guides) will be included in the briefing. You will receive detailed written feedback, alongside suggestions for improvement and an overall percentage showing your provisional grade. 

  • ECTS value: 7.5
  • Requirements: You must be prepared to attend all classes and to spend about an hour a week preparing for each session

BSL advice

Contact the lecturer
Mrs Nikiaisha Thompson