Student Circus is a job search portal for current international students in the UK, which contains the following resources:

  • A jobs board with skilled worker visa opportunities: verified, up to date full-time and internship job listings from employers who can sponsor international students in the UK
  • Immigration advice:  expert, vetted advice by immigration solicitors about working in the UK.
  • Ignition Hub: access to panel events, workshops, blogs and FAQs
  • Student Circus is a powerful resource but do also explore GoinGlobal for additional advice and information for an international career.

How to access Student Circus

Student Circus is a Third Party platform unassociated with Imperial College London. By signing up to Student Circus you are agreeing to their Terms and ConditionsPrivacy Policy and for your data to be kept on Student Circus’ database for four years. Please ensure that you have read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before continuing.