The Prospect Development team is the key source of information about Imperial’s alumni, friends and potential supporters and their relationship with the College.

We help Imperial better understand its supporters (alumni, donors, charitable trusts, corporate partners and others) and to identify where their individual interests resonate most with College activities and fundraising priorities. We  provide staff with the targeted information they need to be strategic in cultivating relationships with donors and potential supporters.

Core activities

  • Identifying new potential supporters who may be interested in supporting the College with a gift or by sharing their expertise or connections.
  • Researching the professional and philanthropic interests of the College’s friends, working with Advancement and College staff to gather the information needed to cultivate meaningful relationships between the College and its wider community.
  • Tracking interactions between the College and its friend, alumni and supporters, enabling us to maintain an overview of these relationships as they develop over time.  
  • Conducting due diligence checks on philanthropic donations received by the College. We carry out the checks required by Imperial’s gift acceptance policy, to ensure that all donations accepted by College are in line with its mission and ethical standards.

Prospect Development contacts

  • Kate McCormick

    Personal details

    Kate McCormick Head of Prospect Development

    +44 (0)207 594 6141


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Candy Yau

    Candy Yau

    Personal details

    Candy Yau Prospect Development Manager

    +44 (0)20 7594 2469


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Tom Sissons

    Personal details

    Tom Sissons Prospect Development Officer

    +44 20 7594 5804


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Hannah Cerasale

    Hannah Cerasale

    Personal details

    Hannah Cerasale Prospect Development Manager

    +44 (0)20 7594 9964


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ

  • Daniel Hazel

    This folder is for 300x400 only

    Personal details

    Daniel Hazel Ethical Screening and Due Diligence Officer

    +44 20 7594 3220


    Level 1, Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus
    London SW7 2AZ


How can we help you?

Want to build a deeper relationship with your contacts?

If you know someone who might consider a gift to Imperial, or to support our work in other ways, please get in touch. Advancement can help you deepen existing relationships and create a richer experience for your contacts.