The phrase ‘what got you here won’t get you there’ applies to your networks as you establish yourself as a PI.  You may find, as you progress your ambitions and strategy, that the networks that helped you to get where you are today may not be the same as the ones you will need in the future. Or you may need to interact with your existing networks differently from now on. It’s valuable, therefore, to pause and review your networks and your networking:

  • Are the right people in your network?
  • Are you doing all you can for them?
  • Are you building and maintaining them effectively?
  • Are you doing the right things to enhance your visibility to new collaborators? 

Networking and collaboration are about reciprocity: what do you offer each other?  What can you each gain from knowing each other, helping one another, or working together?  So you should also be thinking about whether your networks know what you can do for them and whether you are making that clear to them. 

In this section you will: 

  • think about who needs to be in your network as your leadership develops 
  • review your current networks  
  • reflect on your readiness and visibility for collaboration 
  • learn how other researchers developed their networks 
  • consider ways to assess and enhance your visibility and reputation 


Internal resources and guidance

Creating and managing your online profile at Imperial College London: 


  • POD’s Networking Skills workshop for all staff – the course pages also contains links to other networking resources 

External resources and guidance

Networking at academic conferences: 

Cold call emails: 

Boosting visibility of your outputs: 

Having an effective online profile:

General networking:


Previous and next

Go back to the previous sectionThe importance of networking

Go to the next section: Reviewing your networks