Our four themes reflect a society we all want to live in. In practice, they build on our faculty and department strategies by coalescing areas of current excellence, areas of emerging intellectual focus in research and education, and areas of opportunity where we can build new strengths. These are the themes within which, now and in the immediate future, the College will seek to accelerate its discovery and impact to society through strategic, college-wide investments.

The four themes we have identified are areas where our expertise is particularly strong, and where there are clear unanswered questions or societal challenges that require attention.

Within these themes, there are sub-themes that reflect particular areas of research strength, and areas that offer opportunities to build new strengths. (See the individual theme pages for details.)

The College has numerous strengths that overlap multiple themes and sub-themes – see cross-cutting sub-themes for more information.

Download the Academic Strategy Summary [PDF, 7.5 MB]Download the Academic Strategy [PDF, 5.5MB]