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Leading a new era of digital molecular design and fabrication for a smart, healthy and sustainable society.

Launched in May 2021 DigiFAB is a unique institute dedicated to digital molecular design and fabrication. The Institute’s vision is to transform chemical design and manufacturing by moving away from slow, labour-intensive manual methods, to highly automated, data-driven approaches that capitalise upon advances driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Institute capitalises on expertise and infrastructure already existing in College and not available in concert elsewhere, spanning molecular synthesis through to artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, materials science, sensor technologies, and big data. DigiFAB acts as a catalyst for the cross-faculty convergence of expertise in chemistry, medicine, engineering, computing, statistics, mathematics, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as involving expertise from the Imperial College Business School. Thus, DigiFAB provides a single-entry point into the digital molecular design and fabrication expertise and facilities at the College.

DigiFAB relies on four interconnected pillars to tackle major challenges in digital molecular design and fabrication, led by experts reflecting the College’s interdisciplinary strength:

  • Data and Modelling: Data-driven approaches, including machine learning and AI, coupled with modelling and optimisation for the design and analysis of chemical data.
  • Automation: Automation and Robotic advances in the lab for rapid, online reaction and chemical data generation.
  • Sensors and Characterisation Platforms: Novel and high-throughput approaches for the analysis and characterisation of the generated data.
  • Synthesis and Processes: Digital design of synthesis and scaling-up manufacturing processes.

DigiFAB aims to deliver research objectives, build capacity through education for students and stakeholders, and work in partnership with industry and end users to generate measurable benefit for the economy and society.

DigiFAB is led by its Director Professor Sophia Yaliraki.

Visit the DigiFAB webpages to find out more.

Download the Academic Strategy Summary [PDF, 7.5 MB]Download the Academic Strategy [PDF, 5.5MB]