General Regulations

Academic Regulations

Details of the agreed changes to these regulations from 2023/2024 can be found at:  Changes to Academic Regulations (Research Programmes)

If you need to review regulations from a previous year, please see the regulations archive.

Posthumous and Aegrotat Postgraduate Research Degrees

Policy for the Award of Posthumous and Aegrotat Postgraduate Research Degrees [pdf]

Guidance for above policy for staff is available from the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team. Please email

Regulations for Students

Please note that this regulatory document which applied to all students previously has been rescinded. Details of the relevant continuing regulations/terms of registration that were previously included in this document can be found in the Regulations for Students (rescinded) mapping document.

Are you looking at the correct regulations?

Please check our main Regulations webpage to ensure you are looking at the right set of regulations pertaining to your programme of study.