ICEGG has a number of resources that are used for teaching, research and consultancy activities. Our research activities in positioning and navigation are underpinned by a state-of-the art laboratory housing a variety of resources including:

  • A number of wireless indoor positioning sensors.
  • GIS hardware and software platforms.
  • Special platforms running our advanced GNSS/IMU integrated systems.
  • In-house simulations and data processing software. Of particular note is our extensive simulation software GAVAT (the GNSS Approach Validation Tool) which we have developed (together with colleagues at the University of Leeds and with support from the UK CAA) to assess the capability of satellite-based navigation systems to support approaches to airports. Furthermore, the Group has developed a number of software platforms including GRAND (Geomatics Research Advanced Navigation Demonstrator), SSS (SPACE Software Suite) and POINT to enable extensive testing and validation of the results of research activities. The latter has involved collaboration with UCL, the universities of Leeds Westminster and Nottingham, and a number of UK companies and agencies. These platforms (with plug and play capabilities) can be used either in the static mode or in the dynamic mode (on specially constructed platforms or aboard our instrumented test vehicle).
  • The Group has a number of GPS receivers (from Leica Geosystems, Thales and U-blox), and GPS/DR units.
  • Research and commercial software including BerneseLeica’s SKI-Pro, NovAtel Inertial Explorer and RTKNav, the Nortel GPS receiver Simulator (provided by UK CAA) and GIPSY.
  • The Group is in the process of establishing real-time GPS and EGNOS monitoring stations and extend the applications in vehicle states estimation. 

Contact us

Centre for Transport Engineering and Modelling (CTEM)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building,
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom