Over the past thirty year we have been responsible for many advances in the formulation and application of the Boundary Element and MeshFree Methods to problems in continuum mechanics.  These include development of a new generation of boundary element method coined as the Dual Boundary Element Method back in 1991. The method which has been included in several commercial software is now the main approach to modelling crack problems. 

Our group has been active contributors to the following areas:

  • Plate, shells and assembled structures
  • Fast solvers for large scale problems
  • Transient problems (Dynamic, thermal, etc).
  • Acoustics
  • Contact Mechanics and Wear
  • Heterogeneous material and functionally gradient material
  • Creep and plasticity
  • Mathematical aspects of BEM (integration, fundamental solutions etc).
  • Sensitivity analysis and optimisation
  • Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis


