Highlighted publications

Below are some highlighted publications from the group.

Material stress-strain models for hot-rolled and cold-formed steels, suitable for use in advanced numerical simulations for structural design and numerical parametric are given in the following two papers.

Yun, X. and Gardner, L. (2017). Stress-strain curves for hot-rolled steels. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 133, 36-46.

Gardner, L. and Yun, X. (2018). Description of stress-strain curves for cold- formed steels. Construction and Building Materials. 189, 527–538.

Criteria for the numerical determination of plastic collapse loads, particulalry in instances of continuously rising load-deformation equilibrium paths are given in the following paper.

dos Santos, G. B., Gardner, L. and Kucukler, M. (2018). A method for the numerical derivation of plastic collapse loads. Thin-Walled Structures. 124, 258-277.

Early research into metal 3D printing in construction is reported in the following paper.

Buchanan, C., Matilainen, V. P, Salminen, A. and Gardner, L. (2017). Structural performance of additive manufactured metallic material and cross-sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 136, 35-48.


Within the general area of steel structures, there are numerous ongoing research projects and opportunities for collaboration. Applications are welcome at any time of year.

Enquiries may be made to leroy.gardner@imperial.ac.uk