SpaceLab 2014
SpeakerRecorded talk


Professor Alan Heavens  Professor Alan Heavens

  Alan is Professor of Astrostatistics at Imperial, and Director of the Imperial Centre for Inference and Cosmology. His main research work is in cosmology, where he has developed principled statistical methods for analysing a number of different types of data, including galaxy surveys, distortion patterns in the shapes of distant galaxies caused by light bending along the line of sight, and light left over from the Big Bang. He is a Director of Blackford Analysis, a spin-out company of the University of Edinburgh specialising in medical image analysis, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.


 Dr Liliang WangDr Liliang Wang

 Liliang is a Research Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial. He received his PhD degree from Delft University of Technology and joined the College in 2009. His research experience is in metal forming and process modelling, which includes finite element modelling of metal forming processes, tribology in metal forming processes and the development of advanced metal forming technologies. His work has found wide applications in the aviation and aerospace companies, including Aviation Industry of China and China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.


Dr Marina Galand  Dr Marina Galand

 Marina is a Senior Lecturer at Imperial. She investigates solar and auroral particle energy deposition in atmospheres of bodies throughout the solar system. She collaborates with science teams of major space missions, including Cassini, Venus Express, and Rosetta, using sophisticated kinetic and fluid models to bind elements between datasets from different instruments to optimise the scientific output. She is a Co-Investigator for the Rosetta Plasma Consortium and has published more than 60 papers in major international journals. She was awarded the Zeldovich Medal in 2006 for her contribution in Space Physics.


Catherine Mealing-Jones  Catherine Mealing-Jones

  In 2012, Catherine joined the UK Space Agency on loan from the Home Office as Director for Growth, Applications and EU Programmes. Her role was made permanent in 2014. She is responsible for expanding the UK Space Agency on a national and international scale by monitoring global and European space bodies, such as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security. She is responsible for overseeing innovation and growth strategy. Her previous roles include Director of Technology and Business Change at UK Border Agency, and Deputy Regional Director of Corporate Development at the Government office for the East of England.


Dr Gerhard Kminek  Dr Gerhard Kminek

 Gerhard is Planetary Protection Officer at European Space Agency (ESA). He is responsible for the development and maintenance of the ESA planetary protection requirements and standards, and for the monitoring and independent verification of their correct implementation in ESA programmes. Since 2008, he has been the vice-chair of the Committee on Space Research Planetary Protections Panel. In his talk, he will briefly describe the origin and scope of planetary protection and subsequently address the new challenges related to recent discoveries on Mars, sample return missions from different planets and moons in the solar system, and human missions.


Dr Markos Trichas

Prior to joining Airbus Defence and Space, Markos was a researcher at Harvard University, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Imperial. Since joining the Space Future Programmes for Earth Observation, Navigation and Science team at Airbus he has led the Space Weather and Near Earth Objects detection and mitigation programmes. He is also part of Airbus’ Innovations team, responsible for identifying, researching and promoting future technologies. He has authored and co-authored more than sixty papers, with almost 4000 citations. Markos holds a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial.


Tim Vallings  Tim Vallings

  Tim is the Commercial Director at Rezatec; a company founded in 2012 to help businesses better manage their land-based assets by making use of the increasingly sophisticated but complex array of Earth Observation (EO) imagery and data. Tim has nearly 20 years of international commercial and development experience gained with Intertek plc, Combisafe and Helveta Ltd. He spent nine years with Intertek living and working in Mozambique and Rwanda, directing national-scale monitoring programs. Since 2010, he has been working with software in the extractive industries, focused on forestry, energy, water and food. 


Professor Julie McCannProfessor Julie McCann

Julie is Professor of Computing Systems at Imperial and leads the Adaptive Emergent Systems Engineering group. Her work revolves around autonomous computer systems and how they adapt to new environments, drawing inspiration from nature’s intricate systems. Julie has collaborated with the Royal College of Arts, The University of the Arts, Interactive Institute Stockholm, Sun Microsystems, Thames and Severn-Trent Water, BT, Arup, and the BBC to name a few. She has also been a consultant for TV and film on occasion and has been invited to talk on self-adaptive computing to audiences such as NASA and European Space Agency.

Summary of the table's contents

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