FGM Instrument Team
The following people from Imperial College are involved in the design, build and operations of the magnetometer (FGM) instruments aboard the Cluster spacecraft.
FGM Instrument Team Member | Position |
Chris Carr | Principal Investigator |
Patrick Brown | Operations & Data Processing Manager |
Leah-Nani Alconcel | Archive Scientist |
Peter Fox | Calibration Engineer |
Tim Oddy | Operations Engineer |
Cluster Science Centre
The following people from Imperial College are involved in the CSC, providing science tools to the scientific community. The CSC is part of the UK Co-ordinated Data Handling Facility for Custer (CDHF)
Cluster Science Centre Team Member | Position |
Steve Schwartz | CSC Project Scientist |
Tony Allen | Senior Scientific and Managerial Officer |
Cluster Science People
The following people from Imperial College are involved with Cluster science.
Cluster Science People | Position |
Elizabeth Lucek | Visiting Resercher, Co-Investigator (former PI) |
Andre Balogh | Senior Research Investigator, Co-Investigator (former PI) |
Peter Cargill | Senior Research Investigator, Co-Investigator |
Steve Schwartz | Professor, Co-Investigator |
Tim Horbury | Professor, Co-Investigator |
Jonathan Eastwood | Lecturer, Co-Investigator |
David Southwood | Senior Research Investigator, Co-Investigator |
Malcolm Dunlop | Visiting Professor, Co-Investigator |
The full list of the Cluster investigator team can be found here.
The full list of the Cluster principle investigators can be found here.