The members of the robotics forum are dedicated to providing first-class quality, higher level education across all disciplines of robotics engineering and science. Whilst there is no dedicated undergraduate course in robotics or mechatronics engineering offered at Imperial College London, there are various robotics courses that undergraduate students can undertake in different departments. A full list of these can be found via our Taught Modules page. Many of these courses are also available at Master's level.
There are three masters programmes at at Imperial that offer robotics training. The first is the MSc Human and Biological Robotics (from the Department of Bioengineering), the second is the MRes Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention (from the Department of Computing and the Department of Surgery and Cancer), and the third is the MSc Computing (Visual Computing and Robotics) (from the Department of Computing). Finally, for robotics education at PhD/EngD level, and for research opportunities at Post-Doc and above please see the individual laboratories involved with the Robotics Forum and contact the Principal Investigator directly. Please see our Research Program page for more information.