Arash Tavakoli

My research interests lie broadly in Artificial Intelligence, with particular focus on Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning. 
See my personal page for up-to-date information:

  Publications during doctoral studies

  • Learning to represent action values as a hypergraph on the action vertices
    A. Tavakoli, M. Fatemi, P. Kormushev
    ICLR 2021
  • A neural network oracle for quantum nonlocality problems in networks 
    T. Kriváchy, Y. Cai, D. Cavalcanti, A. Tavakoli, N. Gisin, N. Brunner
    npj Quantum Information 2020
  • Using a logarithmic mapping to enable lower discount factors in reinforcement learning
    H. van Seijen, M. Fatemi, A. Tavakoli
    NeurIPS 2019
  • Exploring restart distributions
    A. Tavakoli, V. Levdik, R. Islam, C. M. Smith, P. Kormushev
    RLDM 2019
  • Time limits in reinforcement learning
    F. Pardo, A. Tavakoli, V. Levdik, P. Kormushev
    ICML 2018
  • Action branching architectures for deep reinforcement learning
    A. Tavakoli, F. Pardo, P. Kormushev
    AAAI 2018

Contact us

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Address: 25 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DB
LinkedIn of Petar Kormushev