What is so strange about quantum mechanics? Before the advent of quantum information, there were many good answers to this question. With the development of fields such as quantum encryption and quantum computing, more sophisticated answers are now needed. There is thriving research into the foundational structure of quantum theory.
We tackle questions such as: How does quantum reality differ from classical reality? What causes the transition from quantum to classical worlds? How do we describe the loss of quantum effects? What makes quantum technology outperform its classical counterpart? In particular, how do we achieve quantum advantages in quantum computing and simulations? How does relativity affect quantum physics? How do we understand thermodynamics in quantum mechanics?
Remarkably such questions can be cast into precise mathematical terms, and we can arrive at concrete answers through the language of quantum information. Beyond the conceptual value, these results also find applications in a range of new and remarkable practical tasks in quantum information science.
Our researchers:
Professor Vitali Averbukh
Professor Vitali Averbukh
Department of Physics
Dr Artem Bakulin
Dr Artem Bakulin
Department of Chemistry
Dr Ryan Barnett
Dr Ryan Barnett
Department of Mathematics
Dr Mario Berta
Dr Mario Berta
Department of Computing
Professor Carlo Contaldi
Professor Carlo Contaldi
Department of Physics
Dr Jack Devlin
Dr Jack Devlin
Department of Physics
Professor Fay Dowker
Professor Fay Dowker
Department of Physics
Professor Zahid Durrani
Professor Zahid Durrani
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr Alex Ganose
Dr Alex Ganose
Department of Chemistry
Dr Liam (Jianliang) Gao
Dr Liam (Jianliang) Gao
Graduate School and Business School
Dr Eva-Maria Graefe
Dr Eva-Maria Graefe
Department of Mathematics
Professor Nicholas Harrison
Professor Nicholas Harrison
Department of Chemistry
Professor Michael Huth
Professor Michael Huth
Department of Computing
Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco
Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco
Department of Life Sciences
Dr Johannes Knolle
Dr Johannes Knolle
Department of Physics
Dr Jongseok Lim
Dr Jongseok Lim
Department of Physics
Dr Richard Meister
Dr Richard Meister
Department of Physics
Professor Florian Mintert
Professor Florian Mintert
Department of Physics
Professor Arash Mostofi
Professor Arash Mostofi
Department of Materials
Dr Raj Patel
Dr Raj Patel
Department of Physics
Professor Chris Phillips
Professor Chris Phillips
Department of Physics
Dr Maxie Roessler
Dr Maxie Roessler
Department of Chemistry
Professor Terry Rudolph
Professor Terry Rudolph
Department of Physics
Professor Ben Sauer
Professor Ben Sauer
Department of Physics
Dr Cristopher Salvi
Dr Cristopher Salvi
Department of Mathematics
Professor Michael Tarbutt
Professor Michael Tarbutt
Department of Physics
Professor Richard Thompson
Professor Richard Thompson
Department of Physics
Dr Michael Vanner
Dr Michael Vanner
Department of Physics
Dr Kai Voges
Dr Kai Voges
Department of Physics
Professor Ian Walmsley CBE FRS
Professor Ian Walmsley CBE FRS
Department of Physics
Dr Herbert Wiklicky
Dr Herbert Wiklicky
Department of Computing
Dr Shang Yu
Dr Shang Yu
Department of Physics