Quantum computers are expected to solve many of the hard problems that are challenging for today’s classical supercomputers. We are developing techniques to build scalable quantum computers using various physical qubits. We also work on developing new algorithms for real-world applications, fault-tolerant quantum computing and error correction codes. 

A quantum computer will be able to simulate quantum-mechanical interactions efficiently. Since chemical bonds are quantum-mechanical in nature, quantum mechanics is required to understand many of the functionally important properties of molecules and materials, as well as their structure and dynamics, with applications spanning molecular biology, pharmacology, geology and materials science. 

Researchers at Imperial are working on photonic and superconducting qubits to demonstrate quantum advantages in some quantum simulation problems. Using cold molecules, we can simulate quantum effects in chemical reactions and open quantum systems. We can also trap tens of ionic qubits to realise basic quantum gate operations and highly accurate measurements of qubit states. In all these aspects of quantum hardware and software development, we work closely with industry partners.

Our researchers:

Dr Rita Ahmadi

Dr Rita Ahmadi
Department of Mathematics

Dr Daan Arroo

Dr Daan Arroo
Department of Materials

Dr Steve Kolthammer

Dr Steve Kolthammer
Department of Physics

Dr Richard Meister

Dr Richard Meister
Department of Physics

Dr Mansour Taghavi Azar Sharabiani

Dr Mansour Taghavi Azar Sharabiani
School of Public Health