QSRI will fund workshops consistent with its objectives focused on quantitative sciences.

We encourage participants to come together to exchange the latest developments and ideas in their areas, to foster new collaborations and new interdisciplinary interactions, and to provide a forum for rigorous research-oriented discussions and possibly exchange with industry partners.


  • Opens: 17 October 2022
  • Closes: 12 November 2023

Please note that applications can be sent on a rolling basis.

Level of award

The maximum contribution from QSRI will be £8,000 of total eligible workshop costs. In addition, the QSRI team can offer advice such as on venues, catering etc and provide support related to finances and event webpage.

How to apply

Before you start: Please read the eligibility criteria for applicants. You may want to see the application form template which provides some guidance on filling the application form.

Application form: Please email the completed application form to Federica Pratola and Almut Veraart by 12 November 2022.


  • Workshops must have co-organisers from the Department of Mathematics, Imperial and at least one other department at Imperial. The lead organiser can be from any department at Imperial.
  • Workshop organisers are required to promote diversity of speakers and attendees. They must comply to our Diversity Policy.
  • Workshops should ideally take place before 31 July 2023.
  • Co-funding from other sources is strongly encouraged and co-funded workshop applications will be favourably judged.
  • Workshops shouldn't be recurring conferences/events and participation numbers are encouraged to be kept below 50 (excluding Imperial employees/students). A justification should be provided in the proposal where participant numbers are expected to be above 50.
  • Participants must include a mix of researchers from multiple departments/disciplines possibly including industry partners.
  • Invited speakers from at least two departments/disciplines.
  • QSRI funds can only be used to support travel and subsistence of invited speakers and early career researchers, and venue/catering costs.
  • The venue must be in or around one of Imperial College’s campuses.
  • The lead organiser is required to submit at the completion of their workshop a written report including information on participants and speakers.
  • Workshop organisers should acknowledge QSRI funding on their workshop website, reports etc.


Proposals will be assessed by the QSRI committee.

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