Plastic Electronics Research Areas
The Centre for Plastic Electronics includes over 25 research groups at Imperial College London, in the Departments of Chemistry, Materials, Physics, Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering.  The groups' core capabilities span synthesis, modelling, characterisation, and processing and devices.  These groups share an interest in printable and solution-processable electronic materials and devices.

The CPE's research interests have evolved from purely organic ("plastic") electronics to include hybrid and inorganic electronics. The overlapping research interests fall into three broad themes: Communications, Photonics, and Energy applications. 

CPE Research Themes

Solar Cells


Solar photovoltaics (including organic photovoltaics (OPV), dye-sensitised solar cells, and organohalide lead perovskite solar cells), solar fuels and energy storage.

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Organic field effect transistors (OFETs), amplifiers, spintronics, bioelectronics, and wearable electronics.

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