Centre for Doctoral Training in Plastic Electronics

The field of printable electronics is a growth area, nationally and globally, as evidenced by the rapidly expanding organic display and printed electronics industries. Skilled researchers are in demand upstream by materials suppliers, and downstream by device manufacturers and optoelectronics companies, as well as by printing and coating equipment manufacturers.

The Plastic Electronics CDT offers MRes and PhD courses in plastic electronics, tought by academics from Imperial College, Oxford University, and Queen Mary University of London.  These courses cover the breadth of disciplines within printable electronics, including materials physics, optoelectronics, physical chemistry, device engineering and modelling, as well as the design, synthesis and processing of molecular electronic materials. 

Information about student-supervisor expectations and suggested questions to ask your proposed supervisor.

The projects available for CDT and MRes programmes are detailed on the projects pages - Admissions for 2018 entry are now closed.  See the Apply pages for details of how to apply.

Informal enquiries are encouraged - please contact the PE-CDT Programme Coordinator, Lisa Cheung in the first instance.

Postgraduate Study


MRes in Plastic Electronic Materials

Find out more about our 1-year MRes programme

Centre for Doctoral Training in Plastic Electronics

4-year programme (MRes+PhD) in Plastic Electronics



More information on future projects will be announced in due course (fully-funded and self-funded)