Gold LEAF status for the CPE/Chemistry cleanroom
Read more about how our cleanroom became the first laboratory at Imperial to achieve gold LEAF status!
CPE Facilities

CPE Facilities and Equipment at South Kensington
The CPE's facilities manager, Gihan Ryu, based in Physics (South Kensington) manages our Glovebox System and Characteristics Labs. IMPERIAL ONLY Sharepoint booking.
- Spin coater
- Evaporators
- OFET measurement
- Impedence analyser
- Dektak surface profilometer
- CV set up
- Kelvin probe
- Vacuum oven
- Four-point probe
- Perovskite glovebox
- Polarised microscope
- EQR system
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer
- Scanning Kelvin probe
- Perovskite glovebox
- OLED JVL system
- JVL system with integrating sphere
- Transient photodiode response
- Stability test system

CPE Facilities and Equipment at White City
The CPE's facilities manager, Pabitra Tuladhar, based at the Molecular Sciences Research Hub (White City) manages our Cleanroom OPV Labs. Contact Pabitra for booking:
- Chemical workstations (Class ISO5) compatible with all types of wet chemistry
- Programmable spin coaters located in both fumehoods and gloveboxes
- Hotplates located in both fumehoods and gloveboxes
- Diener Femto oxygen plasma chamber
- Zentier and R-K Knife bar coaters
- MBraun evaporator – located in an MBraun glovebox
- Kurt J Lesker evaporator – located in an MBraun glovebox
- PVE300 Bentham photovoltaic EQE measurement system
- Lot-Oriel solar simulator
- Alpha Step Tencor D500 surface profilometer
- Probe station for transistor characterisation
- Separate MBraun glovebox complete with spincoater for perovskite fabrication
Polymer/molecule synthesis and measurement equipment:
Contact Martin Heeney for access.
Synthesis equipment
- Preparative GPC
- Microwave reactor
- Automated column
Characterisation equipment
- High temperature GPC
- Cyclic Voltammetry
- UV-vis spectrometer
CPE researchers may also access Spin-LAB in Materials.
- SQUID-based Magnetic Properties Measurement System (MPMS): T= 2-800K, field = 0-7 Tesla, includes facilities for AC, light excitation, high sensitivity.
- CW-EPR: X-band. Includes optical excitation.
Contact: Sandrine Heutz
Other equipment in the Department of Materials is also available on charge-out for CPE researchers. See