One-day symposium on Model-Based Design of Experiments



This one-day event will offer a great opportunity to hear about the latest developments in the area from academic and industry speakers. Participants will gain insights into concepts and methods to develop predictive models that allow the optimization of manufacturing processes and have the opportunity to present their research during a poster session. 

Date: 23rd June 2023

Venue:   The Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering
               Imperial College London
               Roderic Hill Building
               South Kensington Campus
               London SW7 2BB



Sequential model-based design of experiments when someparameters are not estimable

Keynote presentation: Kim McAuley, Professor Queen's UniversityCanada


Adoption of MBDoE approaches into new product developmentworkflows

Salvador García-Muñoz, Senior Engineering Advisor, Eli Lilly & Co


Partial least squares: Balancing accuracy with robustness andincorporating probabilistic predictions

Ruth Misener, Professor, Imperial College London


Model based design of experiments in autonomous modelidentification platforms: Recent developments and openchallenges

Federico Galvanin, Associate Professor, UCL


Recent developments in effort based methods for optimal androbust experimental campaigns

Benoit Chachuat, Professor, Imperial College London


Tracking MBDoE research at University of Padova: Results,applications and open challenges

Fabrizio Bezzo, Professor, University of Padova


Model-based design of experiments for automated modelconstruction

Antonio del Rio Chanona, Lecturer, Imperial College


DoE: Enabling model-based design of experiments in thePyomo ecosystem

Alexander Dowling, Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame


Far from ideal: Exploring MBDoE for time consuming experimentswith strong uncontrolled uncertainties (and limited understanding)

Federica Cattani, Technical Expert, Syngenta & Enrico Sangoi,Researcher, UCL


Applying design of experiments as a collaborative tool for APIprocess development experimentation

Brian Taylor, Statistician, Astra Zeneca


Bringing Bayesian optimisation to high throughput experimentationas a tool for chemical synthesis

Daniel Rodriguez, API Process Modeller – Senior Scientist, Pfizer

poster session

Poster session



The Symposium will feature a poster session offering all participants the opportunity to present and discuss their research work or new approaches in areas related to the workshop theme including modelling, optimisation and simulation.

The session encourages networking and discussion amongst peers, allowing poster presenters to gain valuable feedback from experts and peers. Students are particularly encouraged to submit poster abstracts for consideration.

Suggested themes for posters: Modelling, Optimisation and Simulation, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Process dynamics and control, Data-Driven Modelling and Optimisation

Molecular Modelling, Simulation and Design Numerical Analysis, Methods and Tools, Operations Research. Energy Systems, Product/Process design, Digitalisation and Industry 4.0, Process operations and automation, Supply chain optimisation, Machine learning for PSE.

Poster Submission Information

Authors should submit a short abstract of a maximum of 300words that describes the main contributions of the poster via email to with the email subject name as “Poster: Author”. Poster abstracts should be sent no later than 28th May 2023.

At least one presenter per accepted poster must register for the workshop.

Submitted abstracts will be judged on their significance, originality and methodological quality. Authors of accepted poster proposals will be informed by email within one week of submitting an abstract and provided instructions for preparing the posters.

Poster prizes

First and second prizes will be awarded to the best and runner up poster presentations.

Poster printing

We are pleased to offer a free printing service of A1 posters for all poster presenters provided that a PDF A1 poster is submitted by 9th June 2023


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