
  • Characterisation of the plasma filled rod pinch diode operation - James Macdonald et al, talk at Pulsed Power 2017
  • Generation of cylindrically convergent shockwaves in water on the MACH facility – Bland et al, invited talk Pulsed Power 2017
  • A portable X-pinch driver for hard X-ray radiography, diffraction and absorption measurements – Bland et al, poster Pulsed Power 2017
  • Generation of cylindrically convergent shockwaves in water on the MACH facility – Bland et al, talk at APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2017,  Dense Z-Pinch Conference 2017
  • A large bore multi-tesla Helmholtz magnet for HEDP experiments – Burdiak et al, talk at Euro-Asia Pulsed Power conference 2016
  • Initial compression Experiments on the MACH facility – Bland et al, poster at Euro-Asia Pulsed Power conference 2016
  • Initial isentropic compression experiments on the MACH facility – Bland et al, talk at APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2015
  • A new pulsed power facility for isentropic compression experiments – Bland et al, talk at APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2013

Recent publications

  • Refractive index and polarizability of polystyrene under shock compression,  Zhang, X., Wang, G., Luo, B., Tan, F., Bland, S. N., Zhao, J., . . . Liu, C. (2018).. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE53(17), 12628-12640. doi:10.1007/s10853-018-2489-8
  • Quasi-isentropic compression using compressed water flow generated by underwater electrical explosion of a wire array,  Gurovich, V., Virozub, A., Rososhek, A., Bland, S., Spielman, R. B., & Krasik, Y. E. (2018). Journal of Applied Physics123(18). doi:10.1063/1.5023165
  • Mechanical response of near-equiatomic NiTi alloy at dynamic high pressure and strain rate,  Zhang, X., Wang, G., Luo, B., Bland, S. N., Tan, F., Zhao, F., . . . Liu, C. (2018). JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS731, 569-576. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.10.080
  • Uniformity of cylindrical imploding underwater shockwaves at very small radii, Yanuka, D., Rososhek, A., Bland, S. N., & Krasik, Y. E. (2017). APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS111(21), 5 pages. doi:10.1063/1.5005174
  • Generation of highly symmetric, cylindrically convergent shockwaves in water,  Bland, S. N., Krasik, Y. E., Yanuka, D., Gardner, R., MacDonald, J., Virozub, A., . . . Chaturvedi, N. (2017). PHYSICS OF PLASMAS24(8), 10 pages. doi:10.1063/1.4994328
  • Probing local and electronic structure in Warm Dense Matter: single pulse synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy on shocked Fe, .Torchio, R., Occelli, F., Mathon, O., Sollier, A., Lescoute, E., Videau, L., . . . Loubeyre, P. (2016). SCIENTIFIC REPORTS6, 8 pages. doi:10.1038/srep26402
  • A fibre based triature interferometer for measuring rapidly evolving, ablatively driven plasma densities, Macdonald, J., Bland, S. N., & Threadgold, J. (2015). REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS86(8), 5 pages. doi:10.1063/1.4927231
  • Characteristics of a molybdenum X-pinch X-ray source as a probe source for X-ray diffraction studies, Zucchini, F., Bland, S. N., Chauvin, C., Combes, P., Sol, D., Loyen, A., . . . Grunenwald, J. (2015). REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS86(3), 5 pages. doi:10.1063/1.4915496
  • Metal liner-driven quasi-isentropic compression of deuterium, Weinwurm, M., Bland, S. N., & Chittenden, J. P. (2013). PHYSICS OF PLASMAS20(9), 8 pages. doi:10.1063/1.4820805
  • VISAR 'cross-hairs': Simultaneous perpendicular line-imaging VISAR, Winters, J. B. R., Bland, S. N., Stafford, S. J. P., Chapman, D. J., & Eakins, D. E. (2014). 18TH APS-SCCM AND 24TH AIRAPT, PTS 1-19500, 6 pages. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/500/18/182044