The magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) code Gorgon

 GorgonThe Gorgon code is a 3D (x,y,z) or (r,z,theta) Eulerian resistive MHD code which includes:

  • Finite volume hydrodynamics – (Van Leer advection + constrained transport of magnetic field)
  • Radiation loss model – optically thin, with optical depth limiter, or radiation rransport – (single group diffusion, 3 temperature – electron, ion, radiation)
  • Equation of state (EoS) – (either average atom, multi-material, or Saha, or corrected Thomas-Fermi models)
  • Resistive diffusion – (either implicit B-field or explicit A-field representation)
  • Synthetic diagnostics output (e.g. gated X-ray images, radiography and laser probing)
  • Fully explicit version allows efficient parallel implementation
  • Used in the modellin of wire array Z-pinches, laboratory astrophysics and long-pulse laser-plasma interaction amongst several other applications

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