Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME)
The Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) runs a range of networks to stimulate new interdisciplinary collaboration by bringing together Imperial's engineers, scientists and clinicians in particular application or technology areas of biomedical engineering. We also organise seminars, conferences and events to bring together network members and stimulate new interactions.
The IBME unites the wealth of expertise at Imperial College London focused on organ-on-chip research and technology. The IBME supports the activities of the Imperial Network of Excellence: Organ-on-Chip led by Professor Darryl Overby and supported by Professor Clare Lloyd, Dr Beata Wojciak-Stothard, Professor Joshua Edel and Dr Yuval Elani. The network involves a strong combination of multidisciplinary researchers from across Imperial College London traversing engineering, natural sciences and medicine.

The Sir Michael Uren Hub
Imperial is currently constructing a £120M 13-storey building comprising state-of-the-art laboratory and office facilities for the next generation of biomedical engineering research across technology and application themes.
Housing interdisciplinary research initiatives from across Imperial's departments and faculties, the building will drive clinical translation of MedTech innovation through integrated clinical and imaging facilities and by virtue of its proximity to the Hammersmith Hospital campus. Commercial translation will be promoted by the adjacent research and translation hub ('iHUB').
- Find out more about the Sir Michael Uren Hub
- Read more about the White City Campus