Drawing on some of the UK's leading universities for nuclear research and innovation and input from global brands in the nuclear industry sector, our research portfolio is broad, balanced and complementary. From fission to fusion, component life extension to new technologies, and fuel design to waste management and disposal, we investigate research themes that contribute to the provision of cleaner, safe, secure and cost-effective energy generation.

The balanced research portfolio and emphasis on cohort-building produces graduates with both specialised technical knowledge and an understanding and appreciation of the diverse and interlocking needs of the global nuclear industry. Combining these mindsets is critical to nurturing future leaders.

On this page you will find data covering the current research activities of our students. You can learn more about our students at their student-run website as well as looking at the cohort lists:

Cohort 1

Cohort 2

Cohort 3

Cohort 4

nuclear research word cloud

Word cloud describing research within the CDT.

Nuclear research themes

Research themes in the CDT.

backgrounds and disciplines of nuclear PhD researchers

Backgrounds of PhD researchers registered to the CDT

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