The MRes Neurotechnology is a one year full-time programme leading to the MRes award.  The MRes comprises 3 months of taught courses, followed by a 9-month research project, leading to submission of the MRes thesis in mid-September.

MRes students will be supervised for their research project by at least two Imperial College supervisors with complementary backgrounds. Applicants must contact their preferred lead supervisor directly before applying, to obtain support for their application and agree on a project. Lead supervisors must be based in the Bioengineering Department.

Entry requirements

All applicants should have (or be expecting) a 1st or 2:1 degree (or non-UK equivalent), in an engineering or physical sciences discipline. Students with a biological or medical sciences background may be considered for the MRes if they can show substantial quantitative skills (eg university-level mathematics, engineering or physical sciences, experience in programming etc).

If you have a non-UK degree, you should check the College minimum entry requirements, but note that CDT entry requirements are normally higher than College minimum requirements.

Non-native English speakers must also meet the College English requirements. You do not have to take a test before applying, but must pass an approved test before starting the course.


No funding is available for the one-year MRes Neurotechnology.  Please check the College fees and funding pages for information on tuition fees, the cost of living in London and for details of any Imperial College or external scholarships that may be available.  Please note, questions about College/external scholarships should be directed to the student finance team and not to the Centre for Neurotechnology.

Application process

  1. Check that you meet the entry requirements above
  2. Visit our supervisors page for a list of potential MRes supervisors in the Centre for Neurotechnology - note that lead supervisors must be based in Bioengineering
  3. Contact your preferred supervisor(s) directly to discuss opportunities and potential projects
  4. Once you have support from your potential supervisor, submit an online application via the Imperial College online system - select course code (MRes 1YFT)|H6NU|1|SK|FT|PLEASE LIST YOUR PROPOSED SUPERVISOR(S) AND BRIEF DETAILS OF YOUR PROPOSED PROJECT(S) ON A SEPARATE PAGE OF YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT DOCUMENT (full details of the project and supervisory team can be finalised after you apply - see below).

Review and interview process

Your supervisor will review your application and, if appropriate, will invite you to interview.  If your interview is successful, your supervisor will confirm final details of your project and the supervisory team with you and will then submit your application and project proposal to the Bioengineering Department for approval.  Once approved you will be offered a conditional place on the MRes, subject to you finding satisfactory funding for the MRes and fulfilling any College requirements (eg English test).