Centre for Neurotechnology

Collaborative research at the interface of neuroscience and engineering

Colloquia and Seminars

Connectomics Facilities

tissuecyte 1000

TissueCyte 1000 multiphoton tissue scanner

Details will follow shortly.

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tissuecyte 1000

Ti:Sapphire laser

Details will follow shortly.

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tissuecyte 1000

Automated organ-sectioning microtome

Details will follow shortly.

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CDT staff

Key contacts
schultz Simon Schultz Centre/CDT Director & Director of MRes Neurotechnology Programme
hobson Kate Hobson Centre/CDT Administrator
clopath Claudia Clopath CDT Cohort Mentor - cohort 1
Dan Goodman Dan Goodman CDT Cohort Mentor - cohort 2
Simon Schultz Director
Paul Matthews Co-Director
Bill Wisden Co-Director
List of directors in the CDT
Management Group
Simon Schultz Director
Paul Matthews Co-Director
Bill Wisden Co-Director
Martyn Boutelle Research Board member (Engineering)
Stephen Brickley Research Board member (Life Sciences)
Richard Reynolds Research Board member (Medicine)
David Sharp Research Board member (Medicine)
List of directors in the CDT
Operations Board
Simon Schultz Director
Kate Hobson Centre/CDT Administrator
Paul Chadderton Academic member (Bioengineering)
Adam Hampshire Academic member (Division of Brain Sciences)
Claudia Clopath Academic member (Bioengineering)
Dan Goodman Academic member (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
List of directors in the CDT
Research Board
Mauricio Barahona Department of Mathematics
Martyn Boutelle Department of Bioengineering
Stephen Brickley Department of Life Sciences
Denis Burdakov External member - Crick Institute
Paul Chadderton Department of Bioengineering
Claudia Clopath Department of Bioengineering
Tim Constandinou Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Aldo Faisal Department of Bioengineering & Computing
Dan Goodman Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Adam Hampshire Division of Brain Sciences
Paul Matthews Head, Division of Brain Sciences
Mark Neil Department of Physics
Richard Reynolds Division of Brain Sciences
Simon Schultz Department of Bioengineering
David Sharp Division of Brain Sciences
Richard Syms Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Ravi Vaidyanathan Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bill Wisden Department of Life Sciences
List of directors in the CDT
Centre members
Mauricio Barahona Department of Mathematics
Anil Bharath Department of Bioengineering
Martyn Boutelle Department of Bioengineering
Stephen Brickley Department of Life Sciences
Peter Brown (satellite member) MRC Brain Networks Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford
Denis Burdakov (satellite member) Francis Crick Institute
Etienne Burdet Department of Bioengineering
Paul Chadderton Department of Bioengineering
James Choi Department of Bioengineering
Claudia Clopath Department of Bioengineering
Tim Constandinou Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vincenzo De Paola Institute of Clinical Science
Simone Di Giovanni Division of Brain Sciences
Manos Drakakis Department of Bioengineering
Aldo Faisal Department of Bioengineering & Computing
Georgio Gilestro Department of Life Sciences
Dan Goodman Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Adam Hampshire Division of Brain Sciences
Thomas Knopfel Division of Brain Sciences
Mirko Kovac Department of Aeronautics
Andrei Kozlov Department of Bioengineering
Holger Krapp Department of Bioengineering
Rob Leech Division of Brain Sciences
Nick Long Department of Chemistry
Peter Magill (satellite member) MRC Brain Networks Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford
Danilo Mandic Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Troy Margrie (satellite member) Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL
Paul Matthews Head, Division of Brain Sciences
Dipankar Nandi Division of Brain Sciences
Mark Neil Department of Physics
Kenji Okuse Department of Life Sciences
Ede Rancz (satellite member) Francis Crick Institute
Tobias Reichenbach Department of Bioengineering
Richard Reynolds Division of Brain Sciences
Esther Rodriguez-Villegas Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Andreas Schaefer (satellite member) Francis Crick Institute
Simon Schultz Department of Bioengineering
Barry Seemungal Division of Brain Sciences
David Sharp Division of Brain Sciences
Molly Stevens Department of Materials
Richard Syms Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Mengxing Tang Department of Bioengineering
Ravi Vaidyanathan Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ramon Vilar Department of Chemistry
Bill Wisden Department of Life Sciences
Research fellows
Amir Eftekhar Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Amanda Foust Department of Bioengineering
Research students
Cher Bachar 1 High-throughput Visualization and Computational Consequences of Increased Synaptic Plasticity and Axon Regeneration in the Living Aged Brain
Tamara Boltersdorf 1 Designing novel imaging probes for targeting inflammatory lesions in brain disorders
Tiffany Chan 2 Ultrasound technology to deliver novel theranostic agents to malignant brain tumours
James Clarke 2 Integrated Sensor Suite to Investigate Neurological Dysfunction in Balance
Darije Custovic 2 Neural network mechanisms of inhibitory and attentional control
Sofia Dall'Orso 2 Robot-assisted fMRI investigation of learning in newborn infants
Catriona Egan 1 Experimental and computational study of auditory receptive field properties and connectivity
Andrea Fiorentino 2 Computational technology towards future therapies for itchness via neuro-skin interactions
Lewis Formstone 2 Lesion-symptom mapping using motion-tracking: How neural trauma impacts motor function
Patricia Gallego 2 Axo-glial pathology in Multiple Sclerosis and its potential effects on neurotransmission
Katie King 2 Neuronal Interfacing System for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Interrogations using Materials-based Nanotechnologies
Tim Kirby 2 Investigating Sports Related Concussion with a Wearable In-Ear System for Continuous Monitoring of Brain and Body Functions
Rajinder Lotay 1 Development of a bedside 'hand-and-brain training' rehabilitation aid for stroke patients
Carl Lubba 2 Peripheral nerve decoding algorithms for bioelectronic medicines
Diana Lucaci 1 High-resolution mapping of age-related functional changes in cortical connectivity
Gerald Moore 2 Cracking the neuronal code using combined optical imaging and Electrical Impedance Tomography
Konstantinos Petkos 2 ReBooT: Restoring Brain Operation with Technology; Microelectronics to enable an open source instrument for exploring closed loop neural systems
Peter Quicke 1 Improved methods for functional neuronal imaging with genetically encoded voltage indicators
Tom Robins 2 Towards whole brain functional imaging in freely moving subjects
Benedikt Schoenhense* 1 Machine learning and human adaptability: towards a hierarchical model of executive cognition and brain function
Hugo Weissbart 1 EEG assessment of spoken language processing in aphasia
Aidan Wickham 1 Wearable wireless sensor arrays to detect the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Georgios Zafeiropoulos 1 Automated Neonatal EEG Early Warning System based on novel signal analysis tools in the field and/or novel features

* cohort rep

Key Contacts

Our members are drawn from multiple departments spanning the 3 faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Natural Sciences at Imperial College London.


Funding for internships

Each student will be eligible for a contribution towards travel/living costs during the internship.  The amount of funding will vary depending on the nature of your internship (eg whether it is industry-funded, whether you will continue to be paid your bursary or not).

How does it work?

You will make arrangements for the internship yourself, in consultation with your supervisor.  We encourage you to start discussions with your supervisor as early as possible - preferably in the MRes year, so that you can try to plan your internship well in advance to make best use of this opportunity. 

A list of potential opportunities is listed on these pages.

Where your internship is directly related to your research, you would be expected to take this time as “study leave”.  This allows you to remain registered, and continue to receive your bursary during the internship, as if you were studying at the College.  If your internship is unrelated to your research, you would normally take an interruption of studies during this time.  This suspends your registration for the internship period meaning that this time does not count towards your degree (ie you will have an additional 3 months of registration added at the end of your normal registration period).  Tuition fee and bursary payments are suspended during an interruption of studies.

Potential contacts
Current/potential contacts (see also internships already completed)
IndustryDetails/application deadlinesAcademicDetails/application deadlinesPolicy/other internshipsDetails/application deadlines
 Cortexica Vision Systems Ltd Artificial intelligence and computer vision Columbia University Medical Centre (New York) Exchange arranged Jan 2017 for Sofia Dall'Orso in lab of Professor William Fifer RCUK Policy internships To work at partner host organisations on one or more policy topics relevant to both the student and the host.  Closing date for applications: 16:00 on 10 August 2017
Elekta Instrument AB       Data Incubator Fellowship The Data incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, PhDs, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists.
 Integra Life Sciences          
 Medfield Diagnostics AB          
 Sapiens Steering Brain Stimulation BV          
 Scientifica Ltd          
 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc          
Previous internships
Previous internships
StudentCohortInternship typeDateDetailsComments
Sofia Dall'Orso 2 Academic exchange Jan 2017 Columbia University Medical Centre (New York)
Prof William Fifer

"This international academic exchange was a great experience both from an academic and personal perspective"

"The gained experience is of great value for the progress of my work and contributed to forge a strong international collaboration that wouldn’t have been as solid otherwise."

Carl Lubba 2 Industrial internship (paid) Jun-Aug 2017 Toshiba  

General content colour blocks how to apply CDT

Apply for a funded project

  1. Check that you meet our eligibility criteria and entry requirements below
  2. Visit our projects page for details of available projects
  3. Visit our frequently asked questions page for tips on how to apply (including course codes)
  4. Submit an online application via the Imperial College online system
  5. Complete the project selection form to confirm which project(s) you are applying for (link available after projects are advertised)

Apply as a self-funded candidate

  1. Check that you meet the eligibility criteria and entry requirements below
  2. Visit our supervisors page for a list of potential supervisors
  3. Contact your preferred supervisor(s) directly to discuss opportunities and develop a project.  All students must have two (or more) supervisors with complementary backgrounds, but the second supervisor can be chosen later.
  4. Once you have support from your main supervisor, submit an online application via the Imperial College online system (normally by 31st March). 
    You should choose the "Postgraduate Research" option, then "Combined Masters and PhD Application (1+3 Degrees)".  Select Programme Title: "Neurotechnology (1plus3) (MRes 1YFT)|H6NT|1|SK|FT|CN".


Eligibility criteria

Funded projects

  • Open to UK and EU candidates only
  • All places are open to UK/EU candidates who have been resident in the UK for the previous 3 years (according to the EPSRC eligibility criteria)
  • EU students who live outside the UK can also apply but places are more limited
  • All funded studentships provide FULL funding (tuition fees + stipend + consumables).

Unfunded projects

  • Open to UK/EU and international candidates
  • You must have your own funding from agovernment or institution (we cannot consider applicants with personal funding)
  • Your funding must cover full tuition fees + stipend (living costs), for 4 years - click the links for information on tuition fees and the cost of living in London
  • You must contact a potential supervisor to develop your own project before applying
Entry requirements
  • a 1st or 2:1 level degree, in an engineering or physical sciences discipline
  • if you have a non-UK degree, please check the College minimum entry requirements, but note that CDT entry requirements are normally higher
  • if you have a biological or medical sciences background, we may be able to consider you if you have a strong background in quantitative skills, eg university-level mathematics, engineering or physical sciences, experience in programming
  • non-native English speakers must meet the College English requirements. You do not have to take a test before applying, but must pass an approved test before starting the course.
Funding details

Funded studentships are for 4 years and provide a stipend (£16,777 for the 2018/19 academic year), full Home/EU tuition fees, and a yearly budget for project-related costs and attending UK and international conferences.

Self-funded applicants must have scholarship funding to cover full tuition fees and stipend for 4 years. 

Check the College scholarships page for details of any Imperial College or external scholarships that may be available (note, we cannot normally answer questions about College/external scholarships - these should be directed to the student finance team)

Review and interview process
  • Applications are sent to supervisors for review as recieved or after the application deadline
  • We will normally contact you within 2 weeks of the application deadline to let you know if you have been shortlisted for interview
  • Interviews normally take place in late Feb/early March (funded projects) or by mid-May (unfunded projects)
  • We will contact you within 2 weeks of your interview to let you know if you are offered a place
  • UNFUNDED PROJECTS ONLY: If your interview is satisfactory your application will be sent to the Centre for Neurotechnology admissions panel for further approval
  • Offers are conditional and are subject to you fulfilling any College requirements, eg obtaining necessary grades, passing an approved English test, providing evidence of satisfactory funding (unfunded projcts only), obtaining ATAS clearance (if appropriate)

2 column colour block how to apply

brain scans

The 4-year CDT Programme

The CDT Neurotechnology Programme will not be admitting students for 2019/20. Applicants may wish to apply instead for the one-year MRes in Neurotechnology hosted by the Bioengineering Department. PhD opportunities may also be available through the Home departments of CDT supervisors. Please contact the relevant departments for more information.


MRes projects

Sample projects: 2020-21

Some examples of potential projects are listed below. Please contact your proposed supervisor BEFORE MAKING YOUR APPLICATION, to discuss any of these, or an alternative project.

James Choi (Bioengineering)
Magdalena Sastre (Medicine)

Drug Delivery Across the Blood-Brain Barrier using Therapeutic Acoustic Wavelets

Neurological diseases are among the most difficult diseases to treat, because drugs cannot enter the brain, because cerebral capillaries are lined by a blood-brain barrier (BBB).
We are developing a non-invasive and localised method of delivering drugs across the BBB. Using ultrasound and bubbles, we have been able to non-invasively and locally open the BBB for a short duration (less than 10 minutes) (Morse SM, et al., Radiology 2019), which allows drugs into the brain tissue.
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of our acoustic wavelet drug delivery technology. For example, the student may explore the delivery of new and exciting drugs, such as nanobodies, antibodies, nanoparticles, etc; or may study the safety of the procedure, such as whether microglial cells and astrocytes have been activated.
This is amultidisciplinary project that spans physical acoustics, bubble physics, BBB structure and function, and neuroscience. Dr. James Choi will guide the use and development of the acoustic technology and the evaluation of drug delivery while Dr. Magdalena Sastre will guide the analysis of safety.

Vincenzo De Paola (Brain Sciences)
Anil Bharath (Bioengineering)

Ultrafast phenotyping of optically cleared human cortical tissue grafts with lightsheet microscopy and automated image analysis

Model organisms are commonly used for studies of brain physiology and pathogenesis, but the extent to which the principles uncovered can be translated to humans remains unclear. Recently, we established a new approach to study human cortical synaptic networks using transplanted donor-derived cells and intravital longitudinal imaging and discovered new cellular and synaptic phenotypes in Down syndrome (Real et al 2018).
This project aims at developing a new method to characterise the post-mortem cellular content of human cortical tissue grafts. Currently, this is a time-consuming and low-throughput step as it requires slicing the fixed brain. Only a small portion of the graft can be studied by immunohistochemistry with each marker, a process which often takes several weeks to months. Therefore, the specific aims of this project are to: 

1) Apply ScaleS (Hama et al 2015), a reagent which renders brain tissue transparent within hours, to optically clear human cortical tissue grafts;
2) Test the feasibility of using multiple markers on the same tissue;
3) Develop an automated pipeline to analyse and quantify cell density and neurite extension from lightsheet microscopy images (with Anil Bharath). 

These tools will likely accelerate our understanding of how the complexity of the human neocortex is perturbed in several neuropsychiatric conditions.

Dario Farina (Bioengineering)
Angela Kedgley (Bioengineering)

Model-based estimation of upper limb joint kinematics and kinetics using surface electromyography

Electromyography (EMG) is one of the few methods that provide a window on muscle activity and hence muscle force production during functional movements. As one of its applications, research in myoelectric control has produced active prosthetic devices with multiple degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), paralleled by EMG-based control strategies.
The aim of this project is to evaluate contrasting approaches for estimating upper limb joint kinematics and kinetics using surface EMG. Two such approaches are mathematical modelling (e.g. neural networks) and multibody dynamic musculoskeletal modelling.
From Dr. Farina students will gain the expertise to design and perform experiments to measure and process surface EMG signals. They will also learn how to build mathematical models linking measured EMG and kinematics.
From Dr. Kedgley students will learn to design and perform experiments to measure and process human body kinematics using motion capture systems. Furthermore, they will acquire skills in multibody dynamics modelling and simulation of the human upper limb.
The candidates are required to have strength programming in at least one of Python or MATLAB. Some knowledge of machine learning and biomechanical analysis is desirable.

Juan Álvaro Gallego (Bioengineering)
Claudia Clopath (Bioengineering)

Mapping the geometry of the “neural manifold” across the primate sensorimotor system

Recent studies of neural population activity during behaviour have consistently uncovered that it is dominated by a handful of —around ten— neural covariation patterns (Gallego et al., 2017; Shenoy et al., 2013). These patterns span a neural manifold, a low-dimensional surface in the high-dimensional space defined by the activity of all recorded neurons. We refer to the neural population activity within the manifold as latent dynamics.

Remarkably, studying the neural manifold and its associated latent dynamics has helped advance our understanding of how the brain controls behaviour, providing insight into questions that had remained elusive when studying single neuron activity. The “manifold approach” has also helped made brain-computer interfaces (BCI) more robust (Gallego, Perich et al., 2020; Pandarinath et al., 2018).

Yet, there are many open questions regarding the geometrical properties of the neural manifold, with important implications both in basic neuroscience and BCIs. The goal of this project is to perform the first systematic comparison of manifold properties across the main areas of the sensorimotor system: premotor cortex, primary motor cortex, and primary sensory cortex. Such comparison will be carried out in a dataset with simultaneous recordings of around a hundred neurons in each of these areas, obtained as monkeys performed the same reaching task —the dataset from (Gallego, Perich et al., 2020). To assess the geometry of the neural manifold, we will fit the neural data with a broad range of manifold models that incorporate different assumptions about the data: from principal component analysis, and factor analysis, to isomap, and autoencoder neural networks. We will then explore the ability to predict the monkey’s behaviour from each of these different manifolds as we vary their assumed dimensionality. We expect this comparative study to inform about the difference in computations performed across these areas during a given behaviour, and on how to improve BCI design.

Dr. Gallego will bring to this project expertise in systems neuroscience, and neural data analysis, in particular focusing on the application of neural manifold approaches. Prof. Clopath is a leading expert in computational neuroscience and the application of mathematical methods and modelling tools to understand neural computations. This project would suit a student with good Python programming skills and a strong mathematical foundation (from electrical or biomedical engineering, physics or mathematics) and a strong desire to learn neuroscience.


J.A. Gallego, M.G. Perich, L.E. Miller, S.A. Solla. Neural manifolds for the control of movement. Neuron 94(5):978–84, 2017
J.A. Gallego
*,M.G.Perich*, R.H. Chowdhury, S.A. Solla, L.E. Miller. Long-term stability of cortical population dynamics underlying consistent behaviour. Nature Neuroscience 23:260-276, 2020.
C. Pandarinath, K.C. Ames, A.A. Russo, A. Farshchian, L.E. Miller, E.L. Dyer, J.C. Kao. Latent factors and dynamics in motor cortex and their application to brain-machine interfaces.
Journal of Neuroscience 38(44):9390-9401, 2018.
K.V. Shenoy, M.T. Kaufman, M. Sahani, M.M. Churchland. A dynamical systems view of motor preparation: implications for neural prosthetic system design. Prog Brain Res. 192 33-58, 2011.

Gregory Scott, Ines Violante Classification of EEG responses to multi-dimensional transcranial electrical stimulation
MRes Neuro projects available for 2020-21
Projects from previous years

Some of the MRes projects from previous years are shown here, for information only.

Supervisor(s)Project title
Claudia Clopath, Andrei Kozlov Development of long-range connections in auditory cortex
Martyn Boutelle, Pantelis Georgiou, Mark Wilson Neurochemical CMOS array – bedside assay of ionic and inflammatory marker from the human brain
Dario Farina, Etienne Burdet, Emmanuel Drakakis, Patrick Kaifosh (Cognescent) Surface Electromyography for Brain-Machine Interface Applications
Ravi Vaidyanathan, Alison McGregor, Hildur Einarsdóttir (Ossur), Ásgeir Alexandersson (Ossur) Sensory Motor Interface for Lower Extremity Robots (SMILER)
Dario Farina, Paul Bentley A clinically-viable brain-computer interface for inducing neuroplasticity for stroke rehabilitation
Nir Grossman, Bill Wisden, Paul Matthews Development of non-invasive deep brain stimulation technology
Adam Hampshire, Aldo Faisal, Rob Leech, Gregory Scott Whole-brain dynamics and higher cognitive processing in disorders of consciousness
Tobias Reichenbach, Etienne Burdet Engineering tactile signals to aid hearing in noisy background
Chris Rowlands, Paul Chadderton 3D-resolved optogenetic excitation using time-averaged speckle patterns
David Sharp, Nir Grossman, Adam Hampshire, Peter Hellyer Closed-loop, personalized brain stimulation intervention for impairment of cognitive control
Mengxing Tang, Mike Warner, Matthew Williams 3D ultrasound computed tomography of the brain
Simon Schultz, Mauricio Barahona Analysis of calcium signals recorded endoscopically from the rodent brain
Mengxing Tang, Mike Warner Ultrasound technologies for brain imaging and therapy
Simon Schultz, Amanda Foust Ensemble coding models in the LGN: an asymmetry between ON and OFF?
Emmanuel Drakakis, Dario Farina Modular Reconfigurable Low-Power Stimulators

Previous projects (for information only)

CDT Neurotechnology projects

CDT-aligned students

PhD students

Quantifying symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Imperial Brain Science & Engineering Fellowship), 2013-2018
Paolo Angeles angeles Ravi Vaidyanathan
A Teleoperative Sensory Motor Control Interface (TSMCI)
EPSRC ICASE PhD project (McLaren Applied Technologies Corporate Sponsor)
Christopher Caulcrick
(Mechanical Engineering)
caulcrick Ravi Vaidyanathan
Alison McGregor
Caleb Swade (McLaren Applied Technologies)
A Teleoperative Sensory Motor Control Interface (TSMCI)
PhD project (US Office of Naval Research Sponsor)
Sam Wilson
(Mechanical Engineering)
wilson Ravi Vaidyanathan
Alison McGregor
R Harkins (US Naval Postgraduate School)
CDT-aligned students

MRes students

Modular Reconfigurable Low-Power Stimulators
MRes Neurotechnology, 2018-19
Farnaz Fahimi-Hanzaee fahimi Manos Drakakis
Dario Farina
Analysis of calcium signals recorded endoscopically from the rodent brain
MRes Neurotechnology, 2018-19
Rufus Mitchell-Heggs mitchell-heggs Simon Schultz
Mauricio Barahona
Ensemble coding models in the LGN: an asymmetry between ON and OFF?
MRes Neurotechnology, 2018-19
Zhiguan (Paul) Mu mu Simon Schultz
Amanda Foust
Ultrasound technologies for brain imaging and therapy 
MRes Neurotechnology, 2018-19
Thomas Tiennot tiennot Mengxing Tang
Mike Warner
CDT-aligned students



Quantifying symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Imperial Brain Science & Engineering Fellowship), 2013-2018

Paolo Angeles angeles Ravi Vaidyanathan

A data analysis pipeline for two photon calcium imaging in mouse models of dementia
MRes Neurotechnology, 2017-18

Solomia Boretska boretska Simon Schultz
Paul Chadderton

Brain functional imaging with ultrasound
MRes Neurotechnology, 2016-17

Muhammad Ihsan ihsan Mengxing Tang
Paul Chadderton
Development of machine learning decoders of brain functional connectivity states
MRes Neurotechnology, 2017-18
Jiewon Kang kang Robert Leech
Adam Hampshire
Neuroadaptive Bayesian Optimization - Implications for the Cognitive Sciences
PhD, Medicine (Imperial Brain Science & Engineering Fellowship), 2013-2017
Romy Lorenz lorenz Robert Leech
Structural changes in brain circuitry in healthy ageing
MRes Neurotechnology, 2017-18
Jean-Charles Mariani mariani Paul Chadderton
Stephen Brickley
Interactive tasks for the assessment of sensorimotor control
MRes Neurotechnology, 2016-17
Martyna Stachaczyk stachaczyk Etienne Burdet
Paul Bentley
CDT-aligned students
Cohort 1
StudentPhoto SupervisorsCollaborators/partners
Cher Bass bachar High-throughput Visualization and Computational Consequences of Increased Synaptic Plasticity and Axon Regeneration in the Living Aged Brain Dr Vincenzo De Paola
Dr Claudia Clopath
Dr Anil Bharath
Tamara Boltersdorf boltersdorf Designing novel imaging probes for targeting inflammatory lesions in brain disorders Prof Nicholas Long
Dr Felicity Gavins
Rajinder Lotay lotay Virtual physiotherapy for assessment and training of arm function Prof Etienne Burdet
Dr Paul Bentley
Diana Lucaci lucaci High-resolution mapping of age-related functional changes in cortical connectivity Dr Stephen Brickley
Dr Paul Chadderton
Prof William Wisden
Peter Quicke quicke Improved methods for functional neuronal imaging with genetically encoded voltage indicators Dr Simon Schultz
Prof Mark Neil
Prof Thomas Knöpfel
Hugo Weissbart weissbart EEG assessment of spoken language processing in aphasia Dr Tobias Reichenbach
Dr Robert Leech
Prof Etienne Burdet
Prof Richard Wise
Aidan Wickham wickham Wearable wireless sensor arrays to detect the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Prof Martyn Boutelle
Dr E M Drakakis
Prof Chris Shaw (Institute of Psychiatry)
Georgios Zafeiropoulos zafeiropouloa Automated Neonatal EEG Early Warning System based on novel signal analysis tools in the field and/or novel features Dr E M Drakakis
Prof D Edwards
Cohort 1 (2014)
Cohort 2
Project titleStudentPhotoSupervisorsCollaborators/partners
Integrated Sensor Suite to Investigate Neurological Dysfunction in Balance James Clarke james clarke Dr Ravi Vaidyanathan
Prof Alison McGregor
Dr Rob Hart (industrial advisor - McLaren Applied Technologies)
Dr Caroline Hargrove (industrial advisor - McLaren Applied Technologies)
Ultrasound technology to deliver novel theranostic agents to malignant brain tumours Tiffany Chan chan Prof Ramon Vilar
Dr James Choi
Dr Matt Williams
Robot-assisted fMRI investigation of learning in newborn infants Sofia Dall'Orso dallorso Prof Etienne Burdet
Prof Daniel Rueckert
Prof David Edwards
Dr Tomoko Arichi (KCL)
Neural network mechanisms of inhibitory and attentional control Darije Custovic custovic Dr Adam Hampshire
Dr Claudia Clopath
Lesion-symptom mapping using motion-tracking: How neural trauma impacts motor function Lewis Formstone formstone Dr Ravi Vaidyanathan
Dr Paul Bentley
Prof Etienne Burdet
Prof Alison McGregor 
Axo-glial pathology in Multiple Sclerosis and its potential effects on neurotransmission Patricia Gallego gallego Prof Richard Reynolds
Dr Aldo Faisal
Dr Kambiz Alavian
Peripheral nerve decoding algorithms for bioelectronic medicines Carl Lubba lubba Dr Simon Schultz
Dr Nick Jones
Dr Victor Pikov (industrial advisor - Galvani Bioelectronics)
Developing technology to enable macroscopic imaging of neuronal connectivity to quantify changes during health and disease Gerald Moore moore Dr Stephen Brickley
Dr Simon Schultz
ReBooT: Restoring Brain Operation with Technology; Microelectronics to enable an open source instrument for exploring closed loop neural systems Konstantinos Petkos petkos Dr Emmanuel Drakakis
Dr Timothy Denison (industrial advisor - Medtronic)
Prof Peter Brown (Oxford University)
Towards whole brain functional imaging in freely moving subjects Tom Robins robins Dr Mengxing Tang
Dr Paul Chadderton
Cohort 2 (2015)
Projects filled starting in October 2015
Cohort 3
Project titleStudentPhotoSupervisorsCollaborators/partners
Biologically inspired computation for real-time motor learning Tunvez Boulic boulic Paul Chadderton
Claudia Clopath
Development of a noninvasive and localised blood-brain barrier opening system for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease Matthew Copping copping James Choi
Magdalena Sastre
Information theoretic analysis tools for studying the cellular assembly of memory Giuseppe Gava gava Simon Schultz
David Dupret (University of Oxford)
William Wisden
Microdevices to investigate sleep and temperature regulation in mice Bryan Hsieh hsieh Nick Franks
Tim Constandinou
William Wisden
Characterising receptive fields of astrocytes in auditory cortex Sihao Lu lu Andrei Kozlov
Simon Schultz
Claudia Clopath
Wearable Force-Feedback Interface supporting in vivo Brain-Robot Interface Sebastian Mancero mancero Ravi Vaidyanathan
Etienne Burdet
Dipankar Nandi
Peter Brown (University of Oxford)
Neural implants for brain-robot interface Thomas Martineau tom martineau Ravi Vaidyanathan
Peter Brown (University of Oxford)
Measuring brain and body biological age to predict health outcomes and disease risk during ageing Sebastian Popescu popescu David Sharp
Ben Glocker
Paul Matthews
James Cole
Role of copper ions in the toxicity of α-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease Martin Priessner priessner Ramon Vilar
Liming Ying
Alfonso De Simone
Magdalena Sastre
Conductive polymer platforms for the integrated in vitro investigation of neural networks Kaja Ritzau-Reid ritzau-reid Molly Stevens
Ramon Vilar
Engineering fast, flexible, precise, and parallel light sculpting for neural circuit elucidation Navjeevan Soor soor Amanda Foust
Simon Schultz
Mark Neil
Learning to hear with plasticity across multiple timescales Lotte Weerts weerts Daniel Goodman
Claudia Clopath
Paul Chadderton
Cohort 3 (2016)
Projects filled starting in October 2015
Cohort 4
Project titleStudentPhotoSupervisorsCollaborators/partners
AutoTRIAGE: a clinical, computational and biomechanical investigation of the feasibility of using vehicular event data recorders for assessing head trauma severity in collisions Claire Baker baker Mazdak Ghajari
David Sharp
Phiip Martin (Transport Research Laboratory)
Mark Wilson
Spinal motor neurons control of redundant robotic system Mario Bracklein bracklein Dario Farina
Etienne Burdet
Development of a diagnostic battery for probing individual differences in network function Richard Daws daws Adam Hampshire
Pete Hellyer
Rob Leech
A multi-sensor, hybrid model- and signal-based control system for powered lower limb prostheses Hristo Dimitrov dimitrov Dario Farina
Anthony Bull
Bernhard Graimann (OttoBock)
Developing a novel type of neurostimulation to foster speech processing and rehabilitation from aphasia Mikolaj Kegler kegler Tobias Reichenbach
Mauricio Barahona
Rob Leech
The bionic spinal cord bridge: Combined therapies for neural regeneration Gillian Koehl koehl Rylie Green
Simone Di Giovanni
Neuronal Interfacing System for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Interrogations using Materials-based Nanotechnologies Alessandra Lo Fiego lo fiego Molly Stevens
Simone Di Giovanni
Mathematical and computational analyses of plastic spiking recurrent networks Amadeus Maes maes Claudia Clopath
Mauricio Barahona
One-probe - a new device for non-penetrative monitoring of the injured brain De-Shaine Murray murray Martyn Boutelle
Mark Wilson
Large scale population functional connectomic parcellation and individual variation Sam Podmore podmore Paul Matthews
Yi-ke Guo
A two photon imaging platform for characterising memory circuit dynamics and response to therapeutic strategies in neurodegenerative disease Seigfred Prado prado Simon Schultz
Bill Wisden
Keith Wafford (Eli Lilly)
A Robotic Instrument for Adaptive Neurostimulation Nathan Steadman steadman Ravi Vaidyanathan
Peter Brown (Oxford University)
Dipankar Nandi
Huling Tan (Oxford University)
High resolution imaging of multimodal nanoparticles for treatment of brain cancers Jonny Taylor taylor Alexandra Porter
Matthew Williams
Mary Ryan
Monitoring muscle fatigue using novel wireless sensors Dan Terracina- Barcas terracina barcas Paul Strutton
Pantelis Georgiou
Large-Area Flexible Plastic Electronic Sensor for 2D Neural Recording James Tyrrell tyrrell Alasdair Campbell
Martyn Boutelle
Cohort 4 (2017)
Cohort 5
Project titleStudent SupervisorsCollaborators/partners

Development of long-range connections in auditory cortex

Grace Ang grace ang Claudia Clopath
Andrei Kozlov
3D ultrasound computed tomography of the brain Oscar Bates oscar bates Mengxing Tang
Mike Warner
Matthew Williams

Neurochemical CMOS array – bedside assay of ionic and inflammatory marker from the human brain

Chiara Cicatiello chiara cicatiello
Martyn Boutelle
Pantelis Georgiou
Mark Wilson
A clinically-viable brain-computer interface for inducing neuroplasticity for stroke rehabilitation Alex Clarke alex clarke Dario Farina
Paul Bentley
Development of non-invasive deep brain stimulation technology Patrycja Dzialecka patrycja dzialecka Nir Grossman
Bill Wisden
Paul Matthews
Engineering tactile signals to aid hearing in noisy background Pierre Guilleminot pierre guilleminot Tobias Reichenbach
Etienne Burdet

Surface Electromyography for Brain-Machine Interface Applications

Irene Mendez-Guerra irene mendez guerra Dario Farina
Etienne Burdet
Emmanuel Drakakis
Patrick Kaifosh (Cognescent)

Sensory Motor Interface for Lower Extremity Robots (SMILER)

Filip Paskiewicz filip paszkiewicz Ravi Vaidyanathan
Alison McGregor
Hildur Einarsdóttir (Ossur)
Ásgeir Alexandersson (Ossur)
Whole-brain dynamics and higher cognitive processing in disorders of consciousness Will Trender will trender Adam Hampshire
Aldo Faisal
Rob Leech
Gregory Scott
Closed-loop, personalized brain stimulation intervention for impairment of cognitive control Matteo Vinao-Carl matteo vinao-carl David Sharp
Nir Grossman
Adam Hampshire
Peter Hellyer
3D-resolved optogenetic excitation using time-averaged speckle patterns Isabell Whiteley isabell whiteley Chris Rowlands
Paul Chadderton
Cohort 5 (2018)

Projects available for 2024-25

Academic staff contact details

Supervisor Title Description
Professor Anil Bharath Uncovering the neural code of DRL agents Neuroscience has evolved exquisite tools to probe the behaviour of neurons in biology.  Yet, very few of these tools are applied to decipher the encoding of deep neural networks. This particularly true in the field of deep reinforcement learning (DRL), where layered artificial neural networks learn mappings from observations to policies, or control signals. In this project, we build on prior work in agents trained to perform visuo-motor control, such as guiding a robot arm towards a target. The aim is to answer specific questions on parameter distributions and activation statistics, comparing these as training algorithms are altered, or environments perturbed.
Professor Anil Bharath Neural Architectures for Predicting the Behaviour of Dynamical Systems Fuelled by artificial neural architectures and backpropagation, data-driven approaches now dominate the engineering of systems for pattern recognition. However, the predictive modelling of the behaviour of complex dynamical systems - such as those governed by systems of coupled differential equations - remains challenging in two key ways: (i) long term prediction and (ii) out-of-distribution prediction. Recent progress in disentangled representations (Fotiadis et al, 2021) has nudged the field forward, but it is now time to return to the underlying neural architectures, seeking those that are better suited to the intrinsic dynamics implicit in a system of equations. We seek to explore different approaches to this problem, including Siamese network structures, progressive network growth or, perhaps, neurons which incorporate some form of plasticity.
Professor Anil Bharath Learning from Mostly Unlabelled Data Although data-driven machine learning is now being used to build components of AI systems for medical diagnostics, there is the need to find ways of being able to learn representations that are well suited to new forms of imaging data for which ground truth does not exist. This problem is not fully addressed in the AI field, where it is often assumed that data are readily available with ground truth, and that the (data, label) tuple can be made sufficient. But as new ways of imaging or measurement become available, the "data" part of that tuple can be subtly or radically different. Subtle differences can probably be handled by transfer learning, but data that is radically different requires new approaches to learning good deep representations. This project will investigate new approaches to self or unsupervised learning that do not rely on ground truth labels and can be applied to different tasks.
Professor Anil Bharath Learning from Mostly Unlabelled Data  Although data-driven machine learning is now being used to build components of AI systems for medical diagnostics, there is the need to find ways of being able to learn representations that are well suited to new forms of imaging data for which ground truth does not exist. This problem is not fully addressed in the AI field, where it is often assumed that data are readily available with ground truth, and that the (data, label) tuple can be made sufficient. But as new ways of imaging or measurement become available, the "data" part of that tuple can be subtly or radically different. Subtle differences can probably be handled by transfer learning, but radical ones require new approaches to learning, such as **contrastive learning**. This project will investigate contrastive learning in the context of medical imaging data from a variety of sources.
Professor Anil Bharath Predictive Coding: A Strategy for Representation Learning? Predictive coding as a technique that uses local learning rules to discover deep representations.
Professor Chiu Fan Lee Deep learning and renormalisation group Deep learning is a type of machine learning algorithms that has been applied to diverse problems in the past decade. A surprising connection between deep learning and renormalization group, a conceptual framework originated from physics in the 70s, has recently been uncovered. This project will study this connection mathematical, and illustrate the relationship concretely using numerical methods. 
Dr David Labonte 3D shape analysis via flow fields Any two objects may differ in size and in shape. Size differences are typically obvious, but shape differences can be subtle, and challenging to quantify, because typical methods involve 2D measures such as characteristic lengths. Recent advances in computational methods have enabled detailed quantitative analyses on complex 3D shapes. In this project, you will learn and deploy one approach, based on a shape atlas. This approach is applicable to any set of 3D objects, and thus has substantial generality.Generating a shape atlas requires to estimate an anatomical model (i.e. template) as the mean of a set of input shapes. Subsequently, shape variation is quantified via the calculation of the deformation required to mold this mean shape onto a shape representing an individual from the population of relevant shapes. Mathematically, this approach represents deformation between shapes as the diffeomorphic transformation of flow fields. By means of a gradient descent optimisation scheme, the method is able to produce a statistical atlas of the population of shapes, so allowing both quantitative and detailed visual comparison of shape differences across objects.You will use this approach to investigate differences in shape across workers of a colony formed by social insects - leaf-cutter ants. Workers of this important pest species differ in weight by more than two orders of magnitude, and it is commonly speculated that this size-differences goes hand in hand with a task specialisation, leading to the definition of "worker castes". However, it remains entirely unclear whether such shape differences exist. The required workflow is established in the laboratory, and µCT scans of ant workers of different sizes are available. Your main task will be to process these scans using CT-segmentation software and Blender, to then deploy the developed workflow, and produce the shape Atlas, which will enable you to answer if ant workers of different castes differ only in size or also in shape. Recommended literature:Toussaint, N., Redhead, Y., Vidal-García, M., Lo Vercio, L., Liu, W., Fisher, E. M., ... & Green, J. B. (2021). A landmark-free morphometrics pipeline for high-resolution phenotyping: application to a mouse model of Down syndrome. Development, 148(18), dev188631.
Professor Holger Krapp Fly-robot interface - neuronal control of biohybrid system Neurobiological research on the integration of signals obtained from different sensor systems is often limited by the fact that the experimental animals are stationary, i.e. they are fixed to a holder within an experimental setup. The reason for this is that stable electrophysiological recordings from nerve cells are only possible if there is no relative movement between the recording electrode and the nerve cell.  While this approach has successfully been used to discover some general principles of sensory information processing, it has two fundamental limitations: (i) under natural conditions the animal simultaneously receives input from virtually all its sensor systems, and (ii) together with the motor commands it generates efference copies (forward models) which may modify the way in which sensor signals are being processed.  To approximate more realistic conditions when monitoring neuronal activities in the fly nervous system the animal will be mounted on a robot that is free to move in the laboratory environment. Signals of motion- sensitive interneurons will be recorded and used to control the steering of the robot, establishing a closed-loop fly-robot interface (FRI). This configuration will allow the experimenter to selectively disable individual sensor systems and assess their respective impact on multisensory integration in the fly nervous system. The project includes the refinement of miniaturized electrophysiological equipment, e.g. amplifier circuits, that can be mounted on a the robot to record neural signals of identified optic flow-processing interneurons. The recorded signals will be filtered and converted into motor commands for robot steering. The resulting feed-back system will be set up in a way that prevents the robot from colliding with any obstacles in its immediate environment while the trajectory of the FRI and the neuronal signals are recorded for further data analysis.
Professor Holger Krapp Electrophysiological characterization of optic flow processing interneurons in flying insects. The visual system in many animals and humans contributes to state change estimations by analysing panoramic retinal image shifts known as optic flow. Earlier studies in blowflies have revealed the underlying neuronal mechanism which is believed to complement state change estimation based on mechanosensory/inertial systems. This project aims to support the idea that optic flow processing in the visual system of flying insects is tuned to control species-specific natural modes of motion which are determined by the animal's flight dynamics. Experimental evidence in support for this mode sensing hypothesis requires a comparative study of the receptive field properties of motion sensitive interneurons in the visual systems of dipteran flies other than blowflies as well as species that belong to other orders of flying insects. Hoverflies, which show distinctly different flight patterns than blowflies and perform differently in behavioural gaze stabilization experiments, would be an ideal candidate species. Preliminary experiments have shown that hoverflies, too, employ motion sensitive interneurons in their visual system. But only a few of those interneurons have been studied so far. This project requires the dissection of flying insects for extracellular recordings from motion sensitive interneurons during visual stimulation. The neuronal responses will be analysed using customized MATLAB/Python programmes which reveal the cell's receptive field organization. From the electrophysiological results the preference of individually identifiable interneurons for specific self-motion components (state changes) will be derived. The principles underlying state change estimates in flying insects will inform the design of energy-efficient flight control architectures for autonomous aerial systems.  
Professor Holger Krapp 3d head rotations in blowflies This desk-based project aims to retrieve fly 3D head rotations from 2D high speed videography data.  By combining image analysis methods with 3D model fitting techniques, it studies the correlation of head roll, pitch, and yaw rotations induced by visual and inertial stimuli. The objective is to understand the functional organization and control of the fly neck motor system that provides the animal with a stabilized visual input based on compensatory head movements. The results are relevant for the development of image stabilization systems mounted on small autonomous robotic platforms.
Professor Holger Krapp Neuronal integration of polarised light and motion vision in flies and butterflies Many animals, including flies and butterflies, exploit patterns of linearly polarized light to guide tasks as diverse as navigation, water seeking, mate recognition, communication, and host detection. Polarized light cues in natural scenes follow distinct spatiotemporal patterns, and visual systems have consequently evolved to process polarization cues within this dynamic context. Whilst polarization cues for communication and host detection are also thought to be processed as structured spatiotemporal signals, the mechanisms by which polarization information is integrated with object detection and motion vision pathways in these contexts is less well understood. This project aims to measure neuronal responses of motion sensitive interneurons to moving patterns of polarised light in flies and butterflies. The project will involve mounting and dissecting insects for extracellular electrophysiology, collecting wild flies and butterflies during the summer, and data analysis in Matlab. Programming experience is useful but can be learned as part of the project.
Professor Holger Krapp Electrophysiological characterization of forward model adaptation in walking flies A stable and accurate perception of the world ultimately requires the distinction between sensory inputs that result from our intended self-motions, and those arising from external perturbations. Failure to tell apart these two scenarios would result in a futile cycle of our stabilization reflexes to counteract our intended movements. Recent neurophysiological evidence suggested that flies anticipate the sensory consequences of their actions and apply so-called forward models to prevent stabilization reflexes from occurring in response to volitional movements. In theory, these forward models must adapt to account for variable neuronal delays and changes in the sensory environment. The project will test this hypothesis by measuring the electrophysiological responses of motion sensitive interneurons in the fly brain whilst the fly is walking in a closed-loop virtual reality environment with control over the latency of sensory feedback signals. This project will involve (i) the dissection of flies to access neuronal circuits supporting motion vision while the animal is walking on a spherical treadmill, (ii) record extracellular signals from motion-sensitive interneurons and (iii) the analysis of the treadmill walking traces and neuronal recordings using Matlab or Python. Programming experience is useful but can be learned as part of the project.
Professor Holger Krapp Closed-loop polarotaxis in flying insects Many insects, including flies and butterflies, orient themselves relative to the pattern of polarised skylight. This is thought to underly a form of navigation or spatial orientation, termed polarotaxis. Previous results in the lab suggest that flies are more likely to orient to a polarised light pattern when they are free to rotate, rather than when tethered in place on a wing beat analyser that enables the measurement of the animal’s intended turns. This difference may arise due to the absence of visual feedback when tethered in place and can be tested by closing the loop such that the animal’s movement is fed back to update the polariser orientation. The aim of this project is to compare polarotaxis in tethered flying insects, including flies and butterflies, both under open- and closed-loop conditions. Methods will include (i) image analysis for pose estimation (including neural network training in Python using DeepLabCut), (ii) programming stepper motors using Arduino, and (iii) data analysis in Matlab or Python. Familiarity with programming is helpful but could be learned at the start of the project.
Dr Jun Ishihara Effect of cancer immunotherapy on mental health "Recent research revealed that excess immune system activation causes mental illness. Cancer immunotherapy is a revolutionary invention to fight cancer through activating the immune system. Together, it is suggested that immunotherapy may cause mental illness, however the molecular mechanism between immunotherapy and mental illness remain unclear. Serotonin and histidine are crucial molecules for regulating mental condition. Parry Hashemi lab has developed a biosensor that can monitor the serotonin/histamine level in the brain in vivo. Jun Ishihara is an immuno-engineer, who can produce immunotherapy drugs in his laboratory. Jun can make immunotherapeutics both unmodified versions (which rapidly distribute to the whole body after injection; thus systemic therapy) and engineered versions (which stick to ECM proteins at the injection site; thus localised therapy). Our central hypothesis is that cancer immunotherapy causes mental illness through serotonin/histidine concentration changes and cytokine release, and this could be solved by a drug delivery system approach.    Systemic cancer immunotherapy may cause mental health issues.    Engineered cancer immunotherapy that can localise at the cancer would reduce the mental health issue.This research will shed a light on connection between immunotherapy and mental illness, and can propose a solution for immunotherapy-induced mental illness. Students can learn various aspects of immunotherapy and neurotechnology related techniques."
Dr Majid Taghavi Multimodal haptic device Haptic stimulation is an innovative technology that leverages the sense of touch to convey information to users. Traditionally, this has been achieved through vibrations to deliver notifications. However, in this project, our aim is to develop a novel wearable technology capable of delivering a diverse range of subtle mechanical stimulations, including tapping and sliding, to the wearer. This device could be used for sending complex physical information to individuals with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments, providing cutaneous sensory re-education, or therapeutic guidance to the patient during an activity.
Dr Majid Taghavi Interactive robotic skin  Human can examine structures or areas for size, shape, consistency, texture, and other characteristics simply by moving their fingers and palms over the surfaces. Dexterous movement, flexible and soft architecture, and a variety of sensing capabilities on the skin enable this palpation. In this project, we aim to advance this concept by developing a cutting-edge soft robotic material. This material will incorporate embedded electroactive artificial muscles and tactile sensors, creating an interactive composite working like a robotic skin. By employing this innovative technology, it will be possible to scan the body and accurately detect variations in stiffness, opening up new possibilities for medical diagnostics and interventions
Dr Majid Taghavi Soft-rigid hybrid robotic material  Soft robotics built from highly compliant materials suggests safe and adaptable technologies for many applications including human-machine interactions (e.g. surgical robots, implants, and wearables). In practical uses, it is usually needed to integrate dissimilar materials, such as soft with rigid and electrodes with non-conductors, in the architecture of soft robots for applying mechanical support and electrical connections. Inspired by nature, where dissimilar materials are found with progressive compositional changing (e.g. muscle-tendon-bone), in this research we will develop a novel robotic material with a smooth transition from soft to rigid, embedding a unique capability of interacting with the environment. This soft-rigid hybrid muscle will benefit from a reliable connection to rigid bodies, withstanding diverse mechanical deformation and robust electrical connections.
Dr Majid Taghavi Variable stiffness soft robotic material Variable stiffness materials provide a core technology for wearables and assistive robotics. They are a class of smart materials with the capability of stiffness change under external stimulation. Within this project, we will develop different types of electroactive ionic elastomers for variable stiffness applications. The intrinsic mechanical properties of the ionic elastomer and their response to the applied electric field will also be characterised. We will then design a proof of concept robotic component to demonstrate its use in wearables and implants.
Dr Majid Taghavi Nylon thread artificial muscle Coiled polymer artificial muscles offer a new type of thermo-active soft actuation technology with high potential to be used in wearables and assistive robotics. A twisted and coiled sewing thread such as silver-coated Nylon can generate large stroke and high-power density when actuated by ohmic heating. They however suffer from the lack of high bandwidth controllability because of the slow cooling process. In this project, we aim to tackle this challenge by implementing a multi-physical approach and introducing intelligent structures to extend their applicability in interactive textile technologies.  
Dr Majid Taghavi Social soft robot Social robots are robots that interact and communicate with humans, usually to provide some kind of social or service function. They are becoming increasingly common in settings such as healthcare, education, and the home. In this project, you will develop a new type of social robot that is made of soft material and can change its shape and characteristics using soft actuators to communicate with people. For example, the robot could change its shape to communicate different emotions, such as smiles, anger, or fear. 
Professor Rylie Green Living Bionics: Stimulation to drive neural network development Electrical stimulation has been demonstrated to induce directional neurite growth in various cell types, both human and non-human using biphasic stimulation. This research project aims to evaluate a range of sinusoid stimulation frequencies to drive activity, growth and release of neurotransmitters of developing neurons using a cell stimulation rig made in house. 
Professor Rylie Green Spinal cord bridge Nerve regeneration in an injured spinal cord is often restricted. One possible reason may be the lack of topographical signals from the material constructs to provide contact guidance to invading cells or re-growing axons. This research project aims to evaluate randomly oriented or aligned collagen fibers coated on cuff electrodes to study device topographical effects on astrocyte behavior and neurite outgrowth respectively, using electrical regimes. 
Professor Rylie Green Biofunctionalising electrodes through conductive hydrogel coatings Peripheral nerves cuffs can have there biointegration improved through the use of conductive hydrogel coatings. One of our long-term goals is to improve the long term performance of these electrodes. This projects will investigate reducing inflammation at the site of implantation by the incorporation and release of anti-inflammatory mediators from the hydrogel coatings. Different mediators will be investigated along with different release methods and how these impact the performance of the cuff electrodes. 
Professor Rylie Green A bioelectronic implant for cancer treatment This project revolves around aiding in the development of a device for the selective delivery of chemotherapy directly to the site of non-operable brain tumors (glioblastoma multiforme). This device consists of a conductive polymer-based material that can used as an electrically controlled drug delivery system. The goal of this project is to evaluate the drug release profiles for multiple different molecules that are analogs to those commonly used in chemotherapy. Parameters such as molecule size, charge, and stability will be investigated. Characterization of the drug release profiles will be accomplished through chemical, electrochemical, and spectroscopic techniques. 
Professor Rylie Green In ear monitoring of EEG This project is a funded collaboration with EEE and international partners. It seeks to deliver accurate EEG and other biosignal information through eletronics mounted in an ear bud. The project will focus on the design and characterisation of dry wearable electrodes and the identification of biosignals through processing. The areas of focus will span biomaterials, electronics, signal processing and neural netoworks. 
Dr Reiko Tanaka Systems biology approach for mechanistic understanding of paediatric asthma exacerbations  Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood, affecting up to 10% of children in Westernised societies and 200,000,000 individuals worldwide. Many factors indicate the importance of the microbiome in asthma. Asthma is rare in rural societies, and its prevalence has been increasing markedly in the developing world as populations become urbanised. Exacerbations of asthma are often precipitated by otherwise trivial viral infections. Our studies have shown that the normal human airways contain a characteristic microbiome that is altered in children and adults with the illness. Asthmatic airways contain an excess of pathogens (which may damage the airways) and also lack particular commensal species that may be necessary for normal airway functions. This project will take a systems biology approach, by combining experiments with primary bronchial epithelial cells, in silico modelling, and clinical data analysis, to elucidate the effects of the airway bacterial microbiome in asthma, and the role of epithelium barrier integrity in disease initiation and control. We already have a preliminary mathematical model that will be used to quantify the dynamic interactions among pathogen, commensals at the airway surface, the airway barrier and the immune system, preliminary data from in vitro experiments, and clinical data to be analysed. The student(s) will conduct several computational methods to identify the model structures and model parameters. 
Dr Reiko Tanaka Systems biology approach for cancer immunotherapy: Dynamical mechanisms to turn hot tumours into cold tumours Immunotherapy is a promising treatment for cancers. Several immunotherapy treatments have already achieved clinical success. For example, checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) targeting PD1 and CTLA4 achieved up to 11% of cure rates in advanced melanoma. However, its treatment response rates remain low for a majority of cancers. This project aims to apply a systems biology approach to increase the efficacy of CPI therapies. CPI therapy achieves cancer regression by preventing exhaustion of T cells that pre-exists in the tumours but does not exhibit strong antitumour immunity if tumours have few immune cells. One way to improve the CPI efficacy is to convert immune-excluded cold tumours into immune-infiltrated hot tumours, by enhancing infiltration of tumour-specific immune cells into the tumour tissue. Ishihara et al have recently engineered a tumour-homing anti-tumour cytokine IL-12 (Nat Biomed Eng 2020) that turns immunologically cold tumours into hot ones, and demonstrated a high antitumor efficacy of a combination therapy using IL-12 and CPI for cold tumors. However, the actual dynamical mechanisms by which IL-12 converts cold tumours to hot tumours and how IL-12 acts in combination with CPI therapy is still elusive. This project aims to investigate the cellular mechanism of immune cells infiltration during the combined therapy. The student will develop and analyse a computational model of immune cells infiltration based on the results from in vitro and in vivo experiments, to suggest the best timing of adding CPI theraty to achieve the most anti-tumour efficacy.
Dr Reiko Tanaka Learning from noisy labels by EczemaNet Eczema is the most common form of skin disease. The eczema severity is currently assessed by trained clinical staff. However, the subjective nature of assessing these disease signs could be a source of significant inter and intra-observer variability. Our group recently developed EczemaNet, a prototype novel computer vision pipeline for automated evaluation of eczema severity from camera images (Pan, Hurault et al. 2020). EczemaNet uses a CNN that first detects areas of AD from camera images and then makes probabilistic predictions of the severity of seven clinical signs of AD. EczemaNet was trained using the camera images with eczema severity scores provided by trained clinical staff. However, the severity scores may have inter-rater variability, resulting in noisy labels. This project aims to further improve EczemaNet by achieving a better generalisation capability in the presence of noisy labels.  The student is expected to review, implement, and validate the image analysis pipeline using off-the-shelf deep-learning and image analysis techniques and software packages to improve the prediction accuracy in the presence of noisy labels.
Dr Reiko Tanaka Automatic quantification of fungal burdens in histology images using deep neural networks Invasive fungal infections are commonly treated by antifungal drugs, which are under the growing threat of antifungal resistance. New antifungal drugs that overcome antifungal resistance are being sought actively. Effectiveness of new antifungal drugs is often tested in vitro by comparing fungal growth rates estimated from time-course optical density (OD) data of fungal burden in different treatment conditions. However, OD is an indirect measure of fungal burden, with potential bias in the evaluated growth rates and artefacts in the data such as multiple scattering. Various methods to improve bacterial growth rate estimation from OD have been proposed and subsequently been made available to the wider bacterial community. However, these methods require converting OD to cell counts in a process called calibration, which is not routinely available for fungi. 
Dr Sophie Morse Do immune cells enter the brain when delivering drugs across the blood-brain barrier with focused ultrasound? Focused ultrasound and microbubbles is the only technique that can non-invasively, locally and temporarily open the blood-brain barrier to allow drugs into the brain. The way this technology works is by first injecting clinically-approved microbubbles and drugs into the bloodstream. When the microbubbles reach the area where the ultrasound is targeted in the brain, these bubbles oscillate, mechanically stimulating the blood vessels, allowing the barrier to open so that drugs can get reach the brain. This technology has generated a lot of excitement as the blood-brain barrier currently prevents over 98% of drugs from entering the brain. Therefore, this technique can allow drugs that have previously failed clinical trials due to this barrier, to be tested again. But do immune cells also infiltrate from the blood into the brain, together with the drug, while the blood-brain barrier is open? In some situations immune cell infiltration would want to be avoided, for safety reasons. However, in other cases, such as when treating brain tumours, the presence of peripheral immune cells inside tumours could really help. Our own immune cells are actually best suited at tackling the complex heterogeneity of brain tumours. In this project, you will explore with sectioning, staining and fluorescence microscopy whether different types of immune cells are extravasating into the brain when the blood-brain barrier is opened with focused ultrasound. Ultimately, the aim is to find out with which ultrasound parameters you would get immune cells entering the brain, to either choose parameters for a safer drug delivery profile without immune cell presence, or to harness the power of our own immune cells to treat brain tumours.
Dr Sophie Morse Can focused ultrasound stimulate the activity of the brains innate immune cells?  Microglia are the innate immune cells of our brain. They actively survey the brain and clear away toxins and pathogens. The ability to temporarily stimulate microglia has the potential to help treat brain diseases, such as brain tumours, Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease. For example, stimulating microglia can help clear away amyloid-beta plaques that accumulate in Alzheimers disease brains.  Focused ultrasound is a non-invasive technique that has been used to stimulate neurons. However, we have discovered that the activity of microglia can also be modulated depending on the way ultrasound is emitted. In this project, the level of microglia activation will be assessed for a variety of different ultrasound exposure parameters. Staining for various markers of microglia and their activation will be used to visualise (with microscopy) changes in their morphology and activation level. This project will lead to key advances in the unexplored territory of how the activity of the innate immune cells in our brain can be non-invasively controlled with ultrasound. 
Dr Sophie Morse Can focused ultrasound stimulate astrocytes in our brain?  Astrocytes, together with endothelial cells, are the gatekeepers of the brains main security system “ the blood-brain barrier. They control which substances enter and exit the brain, and keep harmful substances out. Astrocytes also regulate blood flow to transport nutrients to neurons depending on their energy needs. These cells are at the forefront of our thought processes: they regulate our synapses, and recycle and secrete neurotransmitters. The ability to temporarily stimulate astrocytes has the potential to help treat brain diseases, such as Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease. Focused ultrasound is a non-invasive and targeted technique that has been used to stimulate neurons. However, we have discovered that the activity of astrocytes can also be modulated depending on the way ultrasound is emitted. In this project, the level of astrocyte activation will be assessed for a variety of different ultrasound exposure parameters. Staining for various markers of astrocytes and their activation will be used to visualise (with microscopy) changes in their morphology and activation level. This project will lead to key advances in the unexplored territory of how the activity of the brains gatekeepers can be non-invasively modulated with ultrasound to treat brain diseases. 
Dr Sophie Morse Can focused ultrasound delay Alzheimer's disease?  Focused ultrasound is a technology that has very recently shown to restore cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease patients. This is a non-invasive technology that can be focused onto specific regions of the brain. One theory is that this technology can restore cognition by stimulating the innate immune cells of the brain as well as neuronal function and health. In this project you will explore 1) whether this same technology can be used to delay Alzheimer's as well as restore cognition and 2) delve into exploring the mechanisms behind why these effects are observed. This will involve working with mouse brain tissue, sectioning, imaging, staining and fluorescence microscopy.  
Dr Sophie Morse Can focused ultrasound delay brain ageing?  Focused ultrasound is a technology that has very recently shown to restore cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease mice and patients. This is a non-invasive technology that can be focused onto specific regions of the brain. One theory is that this technology can restore cognition by stimulating the innate immune cells of the brain as well as neuronal function and health. In this project you will explore 1) whether this same technology can be used to delay age-related cognitive decline, as well as restore cognition in Alzheimer's disease, and 2) delve into exploring the mechanisms behind why these effects are observed. This will involve working with mouse brain tissue, sectioning, imaging, staining and fluorescence microscopy.  


Lab Based
Supervisor(s)Project Title
Prof Martyn Boutelle, Prof Emm Mic Drakakis
Prof Molly Stevens Developing innovative biomaterials for regenerative medicine, advanced therapeut
Prof Simon Schultz, Dr Ann Go Multiphoton imaging of the hippocampus in mouse models of neurodegenerative dise
Prof Simon Schultz, Dr Barry Seemungal Assessing the effect of Dopamine on mutual information of Perceptuo-Motor Coupli
Prof Timothy Contandinou, Dr Barry Seemungal Use of electrophysiological and structural markers of inter-hemispheric connectivity to model the beneficial effect of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation upon postural control‌
Dr Andrew Shevchuk, Dr Kambiz Alavian Understanding the role of mitochondrial metabolic efficiency in synaptic transmission and plasticity
Dr Rylie Green oelectronic interfaces in vitro
Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi ultradense ECoG (Electrocorticography) arrays
Dr Rylie Green, Dr Bogachan Tahirbegi
Dr Samuel Barnes Investigating the Effect of Temporal Interference Stimulation to induce brain wide plasticity
Dr Samuel Barnes, Dr Johanna Jackson Utilisation of SV2a as a biomarker in Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr Shlomi Haar Movement and neural variability in real-world motor tasks
Dr Shlomi Haar, Dr Aldo Faisal Real-World Motor Learning in Embodied Virtual Reality
Dr Shlomi Haar, Dr Yen Tai Neurobehavioural biomarkers for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Dr Adrien Rapeaux Please contact to discuss projects
Summary of the table's contents
Desk Based
SupervisorsProject Title
Prof David Sharp, Dr Mazdak Ghajari  Computational prediction of vascular injuries after traumatic brain injury
Summary of the table's contents

Cortexica are leaders in AI, Machine Learning and Computer Vision for image and video analysis. Focused on creating and turning cutting-edge AI and machine learning research into real world solutions that make businesses commercially stronger.

Starting life from the Bioengineering Department at Imperial College London, Cortexica originated from a research project to reverse-engineer the human visual cortex, and now has its own team of PhD researchers and engineers that form the back bone of its video centre of excellence.

Cortexica was acquired by Zebra Techologies in 2019.

GripAble, formed by researchers at Imperial College London and clinicians at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, is a digital assessment and training platform supporting individuals undergoing rehabilitation for both neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. With a focus on hand and arm function, rehabilitation programmes are delivered through interactive mobile technologies that have been designed to motivate, track progress and provide real-time biofeedback. 

Spun-out from the research of Centre member Professor Rylie Green, Polymer Bionics produces novel, conductive, non-metallic materials for electrodes with improved body compatibility enabling safer, longer lasting bionic devices.

SERG Technologies is an Imperial College deep tech spin-out company, with a mission to revolutionise the way humans interact with technology by re-inventing human to machine interface and develop anthropocentric solutions in the healthcare field that will improve the quality of life for millions of people.

The company was founded by Ravi Vaidyanathan, Samuel Wilson, Alex Lewis and Christos Kapatos.

SERG is working closely with NHS hospitals and leading UK private clinics as well as with market-leading companies in the prosthetics and orthotics, medical and homecare fields, creating partnerships, raising awareness and promoting its technology.



The Centre for Neurotechnology and its members are involved with a number of large-scale collaborative research projects which incorporate multidisciplinary research groups from within and outside of Imperial College.  In addition we have a number of official partners and affiliates of the Centre and CDT.

Imperial Network of Excellence in Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Technology

The Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Technology Network (NRTN) brings together biomedical scientists/clinicians and physical scientists/engineers to forge new collaborative ventures.  The purpose of the network is to harness the strengths of Imperial expertise in convergent research across the departments and faculties through multidisciplinary and collaborative initiatives, delivering medical technology innovation that impacts fields of unmet healthcare need. The NRTN and Centre for Neurotechnology are closely aligned; many Centre members work in the area of reurorehabilitation and are also involved with the NRTN, and the Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and Health currently funds several studentships in the area of neurorehabilitation.

Neurotechnology for Memory Enhancement

Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies (NETT)

Neural Engineering brings together engineering, physics, neuroscience and mathematics to design and develop brain-computer interface systems, cognitive computers and neural prosthetics.  Neural Engineering Transformative Technologies (NETT) is a Europe-wide consortium of 18 universities, research institutes and private companies who together will host 17 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral researchers over the next 4 years. NETT has been made possible by a €5.3M grant by the European Commission through its Marie Curie Initial Training Network scheme.  Researchers from the Centre for Neurotechnology and NETT collaborate on a number of projects and the two groups organise a joint Winter School every two years.

The three-photon system comprises a Scientifica Hyperscope and a Satsuma 40W fiber laser with a Mango SP Optical Parametric Amplifier which has a tunable wavelength range of 650-920 nm and 1150-2500 nm. The system is ideal for imaging deep within scattering tissue in vivo and ex vivo.

Multi-photon microscopy has the advantage of deeper tissue penetration with reduced photobleaching compared to single-photon confocal microscopy. While two-photon microscopy allows structures or physiological activity to be imaged up to a depth of about 1 mm, the longer excitation wavelength in three-photon microscopy allows deeper imaging. Moreover, the light is scattered less resulting in greater image contrast in three-photon than in two-photon microscopy.

This equipment is available for use by any member of Imperial College.

To book, click here. For enquiries, please contact the Facility Manager, Ann Go.

Location: Bessemer B532D, South Kensington