Musculoskeletal Mechanics

Musculoskeletal Mechanics

The Musculoskeletal Mechanics Group combines experimental and computational approaches to the study of bone, joint and whole-body mechanics.

We investigate the structure and function in healthy as well as injured or diseased states using optical and electromagnetic tracking, finite element analysis, imaging, experimental testing, and muscle modelling. With this research we hope to gain a fundamental understanding of the influence of mechanical loads in health, disease and extreme performance on the musculoskeletal system.

Positions Available

Research Associate

We seek a highly motivated individual in possession of an MSc/PhD in Mechanical Engineering/Design Engineering/Bioengineering (or similar), who has prior experience in mechanical design and testing. Experience in medical devices design and development would be desirable, but not essential. The successful candidate will work within a collaborative team on the development of prosthetic and extremity reconstruction technologies for low and middle income countries, particularly those affected by conflict. Our main collaborators for this work are based in Cambodia, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and Lebanon.

Closing date: 24 November 2022

Please click here to apply to the position and find out more information

Other positions

Thank you for your interest in research in the group. Please contact Professor Bull directly if you wish to apply for this in the area of musculoskeletal biomechanics. There are always positions available for excellent prospective PhD students and postdoctoral staff.

Non-UK staff can be supported in applications for the following:

PhD studentships for UK and foreign applicants are offered through the Imperial College Scholarships, which you will have to apply for in late autumn this year to be considered for entry in October 2017, and the Centre for Blast Injury Studies, directed by Prof Bull.

There are other are scholarships avaliable that are funded through the US; these include the Marshall Scholarship and the Fulbright Awards. If you believe that you stand a good chance of obtaining these, then please contact Professor Bull directly with your full CV and he can make a decision on whether to interview you.

Prof Anthony Bull is happy to sponsor anyone with a strong track record who would like to apply for their own fellowship or scholarship to join his research group. Please contact him directly if interested in the following;

External Postdoc Fellowships: Newton International Fellowships (open Jan-Mar); Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Open Apr-Sep); EMBO Fellowships etc.