Research Area

Research Associate for EU FP7 project 'LoCoLite' and H2020 'LoCoMaTech' to apply the solution Heat treatment, cold die Forming and Quenching (HFQ) aluminium sheet stamping process to mass-produced automotive and aerospace components.

Previous research involved the development of lightweight multi-material gears produced through the forging technique with the aim of reduced weight whilst maintaining mechanical performance.

Research Keywords

  • HFQ
  • Sheet forming
  • Forging
  • Lightweight Gears
  • Modelling


  • 2014: PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
  • 2010: MEng (1st Class) in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London

Professional Associations

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy                                                  2018-present
  • Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers     2016-present

Editorial Advisory Roles - Reviewer

Verified peer reviewer:

Industry Experience

Worked at Hellenic Aerospace Industries in the Aero-engines, Aircraft Maintenance and Composites Divisions

Contact Details


Publications List

  • Politis, D.J., Politis, N.J., Lin, J., Dean, T.A. (2018) A review of force reduction methods in precision forging axisymmetric shapes. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(5-8), 2809-2833.
  • Zheng, K., Politis, D.J., Wang, L., Lin, J. (2018) A review on forming techniques for manufacturing lightweight complex—shaped aluminium panel components. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 1(2), 55-80.
  • Kopec M., Wang, K., Politis, D.J., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Lin, J. (2018) Formability and microstructure evolution mechanisms of Ti6Al4V alloy during a novel hot stamping process. Material Science and Engineering A, 719, 72-81.
  • He, E., Liu, J., Lee, J., Wang, K., Politis, D.J., Chen, L., Wang, L. (2018) Effect of porosities on tensile properties of laser-welded Al–Li alloy: an experimental and modelling study. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95(1-4), 659-671.
  • Wang, K., Liu, G., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2017) Correlation between Softening Mechanisms and Deformation Non-uniformity of Laser-welded Titanium Alloy Tube during Gas Bulging Process. Materials Characterization, 133, 196-205.
  • Wang, K., Liu, G., Huang, K., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2017) Effect of Recrystallization on Hot Deformation Mechanism of TA15 Titanium Alloy under Uniaxial Tension and Biaxial Gas Bulging Conditions. Materials Science & Engineering A, 708, 149-158.
  • Gao, H., El Fakir, O., Wang, L., Politis, D.J., Li, Z. (2017) Forming limit prediction for hot stamping processes featuring non-isothermal and complex loading conditions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 131-132, 792-810.
  • Politis, N.J., Politis, D.J. (2017) Development of a Computational Optimisation System to Determine Constitutive Equation Constants for Metal Alloys. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 0(0), 1-18.
  • Zheng, K., Politis, D. J., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. (2017) An experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of a macro-textured tool surface in hot stamping, International Journal of Material Forming, 10(2), 241-254.
  • Zheng, K., Lee, J., Politis, D. J., Li, N., Lin, J. and Dean, T. A. (2017) An analytical buckling model on the flange wrinkling behaviour of aluminium alloy sheet stamping processes with macro-textured tool surfaces. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-15.
  • Hu, Y., Wang, L., Politis, D.J., Masen, M. (2017) Development of an interactive friction model for the prediction of lubricant breakdown behaviour during sliding wear. Tribology International, 110, 370-377.
  • Zhou, D., Yuan, X., Gao, H., Wang, A., Liu, J., El Fakir, O., Politis, D. J., Wang, L., Lin, J. (2016) Knowledge Based Cloud FE Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Processes. Journal of Visualized Experiments.
  • Politis, D. J., Politis, N. J., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. and Balint, D. S. (2016) An analysis of the tooth stress distribution of forged bi-metallic gears. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 0(0), 1-16.
  • Sun, C., Xiang, Y., Zuo, Q., Politis, D. J., Sun, Z., Wang, M. (2016) Dynamic recrystallization and hot workability of 316LN stainless steel. Metals, 6 (7), 152.
  • Zheng, K., Politis, D. J., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. (2016) A study on the buckling behaviour of aluminium alloy sheet in deep drawing with macro-textured blankholder. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 110, 138-150.
  • Sun, C., Wang, B., Politis, D.J., Wang, L., Cai, Y., Guo, X., Guo, N. (2016) Prediction of earing in TWIP steel sheets based on coupled twinning crystal plasticity model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-11.
  • Politis, D. J., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. and Balint, D. S. (2014). An investigation into the forging of bi-metal gears. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214, 2248-2260.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  • Loh-Mousavi, M., AhmdaiRad, M., Maeno, T., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2018) Coupled thermal-electrical finite element analysis of electrical resistance heating in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel tubes. 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2018, Toyohashi, Japan.
  • Zhang, Q., Luan, X., Politis, D.J., Cai, Z., Wang, L. (2017) Modelling of quenching sensitivity of high strength AA6082 aluminium alloy during a novel forming process (FAST). 37th International Deep-Drawing Research Group IDDRG 2018, Waterloo, Canada
  • Gao, H., Gharbi, M., Politis, D.J., Xi, L., Ji, K., Wang, L. (2017) Optimization of blank shape using forming limit prediction model on AA7075 under hot stamping conditions. 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity ICTP 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Gharbi, M., Liang, V., Zheng, Y., Hu, Y., Politis, D. J., Wang, L. (2017) The anti-galling behavior of advanced coating contacts with aluminium alloy during sliding wear. 12th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity ICTP 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Gao, H., Politis, D.J., Luan, X., Zhang, Q., Zheng, Y., Wang, L. (2017) Initial blank shape optimisation for the hot stamping process. 36th IDDRG Conference Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming, Munich Germany, 2nd-6th July Session 900, 1-6.
  • Li, N., Politis, D.J., Lin, J., Dean, T.A. (2017) Enabling Lighter Vehicle Structures, Invited Speech 5. International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications 27th June-1st July ISGMA 2017, Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Zheng, K., Zhu, L., Politis, D. J., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. (2016) An analytical and numerical investigation on flange wrinkling behavior in warm forming process of AA5754 using macro-textured tool design. Key Engineering Materials, 716, 586-594.
  • Politis, N. J., Politis, D. J., Davies, C. M., Lin, J. (2016) A method of determining unified viscoplastic constitutive equations for hot forging simulations. Key Engineering Materials, 716, 251-261.
  • Zheng, Y., Hu, Y., Gharbi, M.M., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2016) Development of coating design guidelines for a sheet metal forming tool - a feasibility study. The 10th International Tooling Conference, Tool.
  • Hu, Y., Zheng, Y., Politis, D.J., Wang, L., Gharbi, M.M (2016) Investigation of galling behaviours between an aluminium alloys and metal forming tool. Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening, World Scientific, 438-442. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening, ICHSU 2016.
  • Chan, T.Y., Hu, Y., Gharbi, M.M., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2016) The friction coefficient evolution of a MoS2/WC multi-layer coating system during sliding wear. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 734(3), 032081
  • Shao, Z., Li, N., Politis, D. J., Bai, Q., Lin, J. (2016) Analysis on Experimental Techniques for Generating FLD at Elevated Temperatures. Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ICHSU, 141-148.
  • Politis, D. J., Foster, A. D., Li, N., Wang, L., Lin, J., Szegda, D. (2016) Prediction of thinning behavior for complex-shaped, lightweight alloy panels formed through a hot stamping process. Advanced High Strength Steel and Press Hardening: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ICHSU, 395-401.
  • Yuan, Xi., Zhou, D., Politis, D. J., Ma, G., Wang, L. (2015) Tool Life Prediction under Multi-cycle Loading Conditions: a feasibility study. MATEC Web of Conferences, 21, 12007, 1-7. Awarded Best Paper Prize on Modelling of Forming Processes.
  • Zheng, K., Lin, J., Politis, D. J., Dean, T. A. (2015) An experimental investigation for macro-textured tool in hot stamping. MATEC Web of Conferences, 21, 05005, 1-7.
  • Politis, N. J., Politis, D. J., Davies, C. M., Lin, J., Dean, T. A. (2014) An experimental and numerical investigation into forming force reduction in precision gear forging. Key Engineering Materials, 622, 165-173.
  • Politis, D. J., Lin, J. and Dean, T. A. (2012) Investigation of material flow in forging bi-metal components. Steel Research International: Special Edition, 14, 231-234.
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Contact details

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