Highlights in the Institute of Infection
Connecting, Championing and Communicating
The Institute of Infection has also championed infection research throughout Imperial.
We have hosted 12 workshops and 2 seminar series with a total of 3000 attendees.
Our events were called:
- Pandemic Preparedness Network planning
- Characterising and studying modern influenza viruses
- Science advice to policymakers
- Fungal One Health & AMR
- Impact of artificial intelligence on AMR
- Novel diagnostics for infectious diseases
- Hepatitis in Egypt & Pakistan
- Economics of pandemic preparedness
- World Malaria Day events
- Imperial-Singapore joint symposia
Through these events we’ve created links to 20 UK and international partners and connected more than 500 researchers.
We’ve created four focused websites for our main themes:
- Diagnostics
- Infection on a changing planet
- Pandemic Preparedness
We’ve also made 3 policy reports/declarations and 15 features, news pieces and blogs (link to Imperial research stories)
Contact us
Twitter 'x': @Inst_Infection
Email: Infectioninstitute@imperial.ac.uk