 Date Details
May 2018  
 Podcast Dr Ben Britton talks about engineering metals for nuclear reactors at the Imperial Festival 2018.
August 2014  
 BB podcast Dr Ben Britton was interviewed on Radio Cardiff talk about titanium and zirconium alloys used in the aero and nuclear industries.
May 2014  
 Research Media Article by Prof Fionn Dunne and Dr Saira Naeem, explaining the research and rationale behind HexMat. Article featured in International Innovation, May 2014 issue. Download PDF here(courtesy of International Innovation - a leading scientific dissemination service). 
October 2013  

 Chemistry World

Interview article in Chemistry World featuring Professors David Dye (Imperial College) and David Rugg (Rolls-Royce); Magical Mixtures of Metals.
Summary of the table's contents




If you are interested in joining the HexMat Programme, please contact Dr Saira Naeem