In a globally-connected world, ecologists need to understand not just one particular location or region, but how different habitats interact and jointly respond to stressors such as climate change, pollution and invasive species. Since ecological systems are so complex, how do we know that the impacts of a perturbation at Silwood Park are the same as those experienced elsewhere?

Conducting such research requires carefully controlled experiments conducted across a range of environmental conditions.

The Georgina Mace Centre for the Living Planet will build on a history of world-leading experimental and observational networks to address critical questions in ecology, answering questions as varied as how to grow sufficient
food to feed a growing population to understanding the landscape-scale implications of biodiversity loss and restoration.

Key Academics

Dr Will Pearse, Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Prof. Tom Bell, Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences

GCEE Report 2013-2018 [PDF, 1MB]GCEE Report 2019 [PDF]GCEE Report 2020 [PDF]GMC Annual Report 2021 [PDF]GMC Annual Report 2022 GMC Annual Report 2023

The Story of Silwood Park

Dive into the last 75 years of world-leading research in ecology, evolution and conservation at Silwood Park in our new Story. 

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