All Welcome!

We run a series of formal seminars by external speakers open to all. Unless otherwise stated, these are usually held at 12 noon on every second Tuesday during term time. These are once again in person with occasional online speakers. However, times and locations do sometimes vary so please check the details on this website, ask an organiser or follow the Complexity Science seminar online link.  The College events system below shows only events coming up in the immediate future but the archive link below has all future Complexity Science seminars (as well as some of our past events) and this page or individual pages on each seminar will have the latest information.

We also hold a series of less formal seminars and discussions, usually led by PhD students or other members of the group. Sometimes visitors contribute by giving a seminar in this slot. These informal seminars are held at Thursdays 2pm. Sign up to the mailing list for information on these.  

We have a programme for the current academic year and the announcements are all listed as part of the Events system used here with the upcoming seminars shown on this page. 

We also have a flyer listing Seminars for the Centre for Complexity Science 22-23 plus some old ones listing past Complexity seminars

Join the mailing list

Details are also sent round via the mailing list - follow this link to sign up.

Contact the Centre


Contact Dr Tim Evans or Professor Kim Christensen for further information.