In the EPSRC CDT in Chemical Biology: Empowering UK BioTech Innovation students apply for specific research projects rather than for generic positions within the CDT. Competition for ICB CDT studentships is high, ensuring that only the best applicants are awarded a place on the course.

The EPSRC CDT studentship awards 4 years of a fully-funded stipend. This covers a one-year Masters of Research (MRes) in Chemical Biology & Bioentrepreneurship, followed by a 3-year PhD.

Potential students are interviewed by the project supervisors and members of the CDT Management.

Studentship structure

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Chemical Biology: Empowering UK BioTech Innovation offers a unique and innovative 1+3+1 training programme, comprising a 1-year MRes in Chemical Biology and Bioentrepreneurship, followed by a 3-year PhD in Chemical Biology, and culminating in the opportunity for our graduates to undertake a visionary 1-year ELEVATE fellowship.

Our studentships are fully-funded, covering all tuition fees and stipend for a total of 4 years. In addition, each studentship scholarship provides a consumable allowance, a conference and travel fund and additional funding for the EVOLVE programme.

MRes and PhD

One-year MRes

Students will join the first year for a multidisciplinary MRes in Chemical Biology & Bioentrepreneurship, where exciting professional and transferable skills courses are crafted and delivered in partnership with industry, and fused with world class research andhacking and entrepreneurship training in Imperial College’s Advanced Hackspace.

Our MRes course involves taught elements from October to January in:

  • Basic chemical biology fundamentals
  • Hackspace education, where our FutureLab Programme introdues students to technologies spanning the Physical/Mathmatical-Life Sciences interface with industry 4.0 approaches
  • Bioentrepreneurship, via our Biz-Catalyst programme and Industry Innovation Workshops

PhD training

Building on the research project from the MRes, students then embark on a three year PhD. During the PhD students benefit from additional transferable skills training including Science Communication with the BBC, Responsible Research and Innovation, a Human Centred Design Course, Policy workshops, Lab of the Future Hackathon, student-tailored career boosting placements via our EVOLVE Programme. 

In addition, through the InnovaLAB tech accelerator programme students will have the opportunity to create their own start-ups. Over the years many of our students have filed their own patents and created their own successful spin-out companies, e.g. FA Bio (formerly Fungi-Alert), FreshCheck, anywhereHPLC

Find out more about our students and their projects

Date last reviewed: 9 October 2024

Date last updated: 9 October 2024

Contact us

Project Manager:
Emma Pallett

Dr Laura Barter